Event information

  • Event:
    Book Launch
  • Date:
    Saturday, March 17, 2012 1:00:00 PM - 3:00:00 PM
  • Address:
    Claude Moore Farm
    6310 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101 US



  • No members have RSVP'd yet

JacketFlap Sponsors

Book Launch

Claude Moore Farm in McLean, VA is hosting a book launch for The Penguin Lady on Saturday, March 17th at 1pm. Contact Anna Eberly at: [email protected] for details.

Link to this page: https://www.jacketflap.com/event.asp?event=2354
Event Participants
Carol Cole was signing The Penguin Lady at 12:00 AM
About Carol Cole: I am physical therapist who has worked in a school system for the past 29 years. I have many short stories published in different online ezines and four anthologies. I started writing for children s... more
View Carol Cole's profile
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