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Carolina Academic Press

Carolina Academic Press is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Carolina Academic Press include The Law and Harry Potter, Special Education Law, Integrated Science Level Blue 7th Grade Textbook, and A History of Crime and Criminal Justice in America.

Main Address: 700 Kent Street
Durham NC 27701 USA
Phone: 919-489-7486
Fax: 919-493-5668
Updated 11/18/2006

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Manuscript Submissions
Contact Information:Mr. Bob Conrow
Acquisitions Editor
Carolina Academic Press
700 Kent Street
Durham NC 27701
[email protected]
919-489-7486 ext 131
Updated 11/18/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 34     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Fourth Edit...
    Author: Warren E. Buffett
(Unknown)  11/30/2015
206 Reviews  
2. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Third Editi...
    Author: Warren E. Buffett
(Unknown)  03/15/2013
211 Reviews  
3. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Third Editi...
    Author: Lawrence A. Cunningham
(Unknown)  03/01/2013
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4. The Law and Harry Potter (Paperback)
    Author: Franklin G. Snyder, Jeffrey E. Thomas
(Unknown)  01/01/2010
8 Reviews  
5. Crime Online (Paperback)
    Author: Thomas J. Holt
(Unknown)  02/27/2016
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6. A History of Crime and Criminal Justice in America (Paperback)
    Author: Willard M Oliver, James F. Hilgenberg, Jr.
(Unknown)  07/31/2010
3 Reviews  
7. Special Education Law (Hardcover)
    Author: Thomas F. Guernsey, Kathe Klare
(Unknown)  08/01/2008
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8. Child Death Investigations: Interdisciplinary Techniques from Cradle to ...
    Author: Lisa Mayhew
(Unknown)  03/11/2007
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9. Kidplaces: A Guide to Family Activities in the Triangle (Paperback)
    Author: Kimberlee C. Maselli, Mesa Somer
(Unknown)  03/2001
2 Reviews  
10. Integrated Science Level Green 6th Grade Textbook (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
1 Reviews  
11. Our Words, Our Ways: Reading and Writing in North Carolina (Hardcover) (Unknown)  07/1995
2 Reviews  
12. Special Education Law (Hardcover)
    Author: Thomas F. Guernsey, Kathe Klare
(Unknown)  07/2001
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13. Integrated Science Level Blue 7th Grade Textbook (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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14. Child Advocacy: History, Theory, and Practice (Paperback)
    Author: James R. Tompkins, Timothy J. Tompkins, Benjamin Leigh Brooks
(Unknown)  04/1998
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15. Integrated Science Level Red 8th Grade (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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16. Integrated Science Level Green 6th Grade (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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17. Integrated Science Level Red 6th Grade (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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18. Atlantic Coast Conference 1953-1978: Silver Anniversary (Hardcover)
    Author: Bruce A Corrie
(Unknown)  06/1978
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19. Integrated Science Level Blue 7th Grade, TE (Integrated Science) (Hardco...
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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20. Kidplaces: A Guide to Family Activities in the Triangle (And Beyond) (Pa...
    Author: Lucy E. Haagen, Mesa Somer, Nancy Metzloff
(Unknown)  03/1995
2 Reviews  
21. Studies in American Tort Law: A Comprehensive Text for 1st Year Tort Cou...
    Author: Vincent R. Johnson
(Unknown)  09/1994
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22. North Carolina: Our People, Places and Past (Hardcover)
    Author: Dixie Lee Spiegel, James D. Charlet, William Stevens Powell
Baby−PreK 07/1987
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23. The Law and Harry Potter [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Jeffrey E. Thomas
(Unknown)  /2010
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24. Integrated Science Level Green 6th Grade (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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25. Integrated Science Level Blue 7th Grade (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolina Academic Press
Young Adult 07/30/2004
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