Babies of Two
Book Description
A heartwarming story filled with love and humor told from the perspective of adorable baby twins shortly before birth. The secret is out! What do they see? What do they do? So much fun for me and YOU! Sneak a peek into Mollie and Maddie's warm and wonderful 'Bubble of Blue' as they journey into a brand new world where Mama and Daddy wait for them with open arms and beating hearts. A special ... More
Book Information
Publisher | Rocking Chair Press |
Binding | Kindle Edition |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | B015L8RK4Y |
Publication Date | 11/01/2015 |
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The Creators
About Alisa Belzil (Illustrator) : Alisa Belzil is a published illustrator. A published credit of Alisa Belzil is Babies of Two.
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