Frozen Alligator
Book Description
Frozen Alligator was written by Pat Springle. Frozen Alligator was published by Baxter Press. Subjects of Frozen Alligator include Adventurers & Explorers, American Satire And Humor, Animals - Alligators & Crocodiles, Biographical - United States, Biography & Autobiography, Biography & Autobiography / Literary, Biography / Autobiography, Biography/Autobiography, Childhood Memoir, Children's Books ... More
Book Information
Publisher | Baxter Press |
Binding | Paperback (2 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 171 |
ISBN-10 | 1888237023 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1888237023 |
Publication Date | 02/1996 |
The Creators
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