What the Dormouse Said: Lessons for Grownups from Children's Books
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Book Description
A collection of over three hundred quotations from the best-loved children's books of all time, What the Dormouse Said brings together the wit and wisdom of such classics as Charlotte's Web, Peter Pan, Eloise, Goodnight Moon, and many others. Organized around twenty-one topics-courage and faith, love and friendship-these lines remind weary adults not to lose sight of the values and virtues they le... More
Book Information
Publisher | Algonquin Books |
Binding | Hardcover (4 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 146 |
ISBN-10 | 1565122410 |
ISBN-13 | 978-1565122413 |
Publication Date | 01/10/1999 |
The Creators
About Judith Viorst (Compiler, Foreword) : Judith Viorst is a published author and a compiler of children's books. Some of the published credits of Judith Viorst include Nobody Here but Me, Alexander and the Wonderful, Marvelous, Excellent, Te... more
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View Judith Viorst's profile
About Pierre Le-Tan (Compiler, Illustrator) : Pierre Le-Tan is a published author, compiler, and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of Pierre Le-Tan include Puss in Boots (Rabbit Ears: A Classic Tale), What the Dorm... more
View Pierre Le-Tan's profile
View Pierre Le-Tan's profile
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