Weekend with Renoir
Book Description
I have put on my little round hat (which I wear often, in fact), combed my white beard and put on my best navy-blue suit. I am wearing my favorite necktie, too. Surely, you can see at once that I am a painter. I am so pleased that you have come to spend the weekend with me, to hear me talk about myself and my friends-- they are painters also. What I am about to tell you is my own true story-- the ... More
Book Information
Publisher | Rizzoli Universe Promotional Books |
Binding | Paperback (5 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 64 |
ISBN-10 | 0847819213 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0847819218 |
Publication Date | 03/15/1996 |
The Creators
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