Me Talk Pretty One Day
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Book Description
"It's a pretty grim world when I can't even feel superior to a toddler." Welcome to the curious mind of David Sedaris, where dogs outrank children, guitars have breasts, and French toddlers unmask the inadequacies of the American male. Sedaris inhabits this world as a misanthrope chronicling all things petty and small. In Me Talk Pretty One Day Sedaris is as determined as ever to be nobody's hero-... More
Book Information
Publisher | Demco Media |
Binding | Turtleback (49 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | N/A |
ISBN-10 | 0606251731 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0606251730 |
Publication Date | 09/2002 |
The Creators
Reader Comments
2/13/2010 Libby Rouleau said: I absolutley love anything written by David Sedaris.
tags: I recommend, I read
tags: I recommend, I read
2/19/2009 Cathy Eads said:
tags: I recommend
Leave it to David Sedaris to make me laugh out loud when I'm reading and have trouble composing myself in order to get back the page. He is one of my and my husband's favorites. I like him so much, I buy his stuff in hardback because I just can't wait. Not for anyone who's ultra conservative, but... more
tags: I recommend
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