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Perfect Image

Average rating
4.1 out of 5
Based on 220 Ratings and 33 Reviews

Book Description
Melanie Graharn is all set to buy Image, the filly that she's been training against all odds. But when both Image's trainer and the infamous Brad Townsend are outbidding each other to buy the temperamental black filly, Melanie becomes more determined than ever. If she can prove that she's the only one who can handle Image, maybe the filly's owner will have no choice but to let Melanie have her. Ho... More
Book Information
PublisherHarperCollins Publishers
BindingPaperback (2 editions)
Reading LevelAges 9-12
# of Pages171
Publication Date/2000
The Creators
About Alice Leonhardt (Author) : Alice Leonhardt is a published author of children's books. Some of the published credits of Alice Leonhardt include Case of the Mall Mystery (New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley (Turtleback)), Return... more
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About Joanna Campbell (Author) : Joanna Campbell is a published author and a creator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Joanna Campbell include Thoroughbred #72: Legacy's Gift (Thoroughbred), ... more
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Reader Comments
12/26/2024 Alfred Goldstein said:
In photography, midtones often act as the “storytellers,” bringing balance between highlights and shadows. I never really paid much attention to them until I explored midtone in photography. It helped me see how adjusting midto... more

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