Publisher Information
Avalon Books
(Imprint of Thomas Bouregy & Company)The aim of the Avalon publishing program has always been to provide readers with quality books in a variety of fiction genres. Although some of these categories have changed and evolved over time, the underlying principle of publishing books with good stories and wholesome entertainment has not changed.
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: Romance, Mysteries, Western, Series
Main Address: |
160 Madison Avenue 5th Floor New York New York 10016 | Phone: 212-598-0222 |
Fax: 212-979-1862 | ||
Updated 8/15/2005 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: May only be sent by agent! | ||
Contact Information: | Avalon Books 160 Madison Avenue New York New York 10016 | Phone: Fax: | 212-598-0222 212-979-1862 |
Updated 10/18/2005 | |||
Contact Information: | Ms. Erin Cartwright [email protected] | ||
Updated 1/6/2006 |