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Updates Made by Lori Norman

Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:28:30 PM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled 2010:
Lori said, "I created this blog last December, and I have failed to blog since then! I would say that I'm back in blogger world, but I was never really in it. 2010 is coming to a close, and I thought it would be fun to briefly reflect on the year. 1. I..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:28:30 PM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Early 2012:
Lori said, "My last spring semester in college ended yesterday. As expected, it was filled with a lot of school work, plus, a job, new friendships, old friendships, and a magical wedding for my longest friend. At the start of 2012, I had a gut feeling that this..." more

Friday, June 18, 2010 8:54:05 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Waiting:
Lori said, "Waiting. . . Checking e-mail. . . The phone. . . The mail. . . A pregnant time. So, that means a time of growth, a creative time. Once something is sent out, energy and focus can shift to the next story that needs a character study, plot..." more

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 6:44:14 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Submitted:
Lori said, "When a story is submitted, hopes and dreams go with it."

Monday, June 7, 2010 5:02:31 PM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Hospice Story next step:
Lori said, "I revised my hospice story one final time for ICL course Assignment #7. It amazes me that a story can deepen, grow, and come together so powerfully when reworked. The advice I receive from my instructor is invaluable. The critique from my peers..." more

Sunday, May 30, 2010 11:45:05 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Critique Group:
Lori said, "The new critique group met on Friday. The insight, suggestions, and encouragement that come from dedicated children's writers is powerful. We all went off energized, with revision ideas and enthusiasm. On the home front, we've had realtors and..." more

Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:29:03 PM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Life Changes:
Lori said, "Where have I been? Where did the time go? When time is limited, I struggle with priorities. With an old injury in my arms, I even have to prioritize use of my hands. Writing, revising, blogging, cooking, driving for errands, ironing, cleaning,..." more

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 9:32:15 AM
Lori Norman made friends with Valerie Storey

Monday, April 26, 2010 4:36:13 PM
Lori Norman made friends with Tracy Grand

Monday, April 26, 2010 4:32:20 PM
Lori Norman made friends with Janet Squires

Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:31:52 PM
Lori Norman commented on Janet Squires's Profile:
Lori said, "Hi Janet,
Thanks for the welcome! Congratulations on the success of your Gingerbread Cowboy. Impressive!

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Starting Out:
Lori said, "As a writer sitting before a blank page, I am aware of endless possibilities: fiction, nonfiction, characters, plots . . . I've been a primary school teacher, a clinical social worker, a hospice bereavement counselor, and a few other things along..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled When I'm Not There ms for critique:
Lori said, "I've sent in my manuscript to be critiqued at the SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) Fall Conference. I'll have 15 minutes with a professional agent, editor, or publisher to go over the ms. This story is based on a technique..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Work in progress:
Lori said, "The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators-Carolinas critique group meeting on August 1st was very helpful. I enjoy the constructive comments that challenge and invite improvement. It's great working with others who are writing for..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Creativity in the Dining Room:
Lori said, "My creativity has been redirected for the last two weeks into our dining room/kitchen space. I imagined, and a contractor brought to reality, doors that would establish a closed/pet-free zone. I love our pets, but wanted to be able to work in the..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled And curtains!:
Lori said, "Our neighbors had to take a tree down between our two houses. The afternoon and early evening sun blinds us as we sit at our dining room table. The configuration of the window made shades impossible and a curtain was tricky. I didn't want to lose..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Snowflakes and a Music Box by Lori Norman, MPS, LMSW:
Lori said, "Snowflakes and a Music Box: Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse demonstrates the effective use of play, art, and cognitive therapy, as well as dream work, Focusing, and active imagination in helping children heal. Prevention education is gently..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Highlights Workshop:
Lori said, "I'm so excited! I was "selected as one of the 10 participants at Jane Yolen's March 11-14 workshop" called Every Word Counts: Writing the Picture Book. I have such great respect for Highlights for Children and all they do in the world of publishing..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled A New Character:
Lori said, "A delightful character has introduced herself to me and I'm enjoying getting to know her. A story is presenting itself as ideas swirl during the day and wake me in the night! This is a new experience (as I have always worked from true stories in the..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:04 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Memoir:
Lori said, "As I turn my attention to picture books, I continue the writing process on other fronts. My memoir is finished, at least until an editor requests changes. The synopsis is written, a chapter-by-chapter summary is ready. I sent out a query today to a..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:03 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Character Study:
Lori said, "In Ann Whitford Paul's Writing Picture Books: A Hands-On Guide From Story Creation to Publication, I learned about the value of doing a character study. I have always written from real life, so creating a character from my imagination is challenging..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:03 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled The Institute of Children's Literature:
Lori said, "As a graduate of the Institute of Children's Literature, I've been accepted for one of their advanced courses: WRITING & SELLING CHILDREN'S BOOKS. I'm honored to be working with author/instructor Kristi Collier Thompson..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:03 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Working with Children Again:
Lori said, "I've worked with children all my life, but being retired, I find myself with little or no contact with the age group I want to write for. A former colleague/on-going friend, who is still teaching, welcomes my help with her kindergarten students...." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:03 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled SCBWI-Carolinas Fall Conference:
Lori said, "Listening, learning, connecting. The three days were filled with value, community, insider info, more listening, learning, and connecting. Helpful insights came from editors: what they look for, what the process is once a manuscript is accepted,..." more

Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:03:03 AM
Lori Norman wrote a blog post titled Conference Connections:
Lori said, "Spending time at the AASL [American Association of School Librarians] exhibit, held in Charlotte this year, afforded a great opportunity to meet some of our SCBWI-Carolinas authors, buy books, and get signatures. As I wandered around the hall, I..." more