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Zero to Ten

(Imprint of Evans Publishing Group)

We have been creating books for schools for almost 100 years via our three imprints; Evans Brothers, Cherrytree Books and Zero to Ten. We are committed to providing children, teachers and carers with books that help deliver key areas of the curriculum whilst instilling a lifelong love of reading and learning in children and young people. Our website aims to provide you with an opportunity to browse through our list, to buy on-line and to find out what's new. We are continually updating the site with sample spreads and contents pages for each of our titles in addition to new title information and news and reviews. Do not hesitate to contact us if there is something else you would like to be able to access from our site and we'll do our best to fulfil your requirements. Early Years Primary Secondary

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 352     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Last Straw & Hoshmakaka (Hardcover)
    Author: Fredrick H. Thury
    Illustrator: Vlasta van Kampen
(Unknown)  10/01/1999
31 Reviews  
2. I Eat Fruit! (Things I Eat series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hannah Tofts
    Illustrator: Hannah Tofts
Baby−PreK 04/01/2001
17 Reviews  
3. The Dragon Who Couldn't Do Dragony Things (Little Dragon) (Paperback)
    Author: Anni Axworthy
    Illustrator: Anni Axworthy
Ages 4-8 09/01/2008
2 Reviews  
4. The Honey Badger's Story and the Honey Guide's Story: The Honey Guide's ...
    Author: Siobhan Brandon
    Illustrator: Caroline Jayne Church
Baby−PreK 04/2001
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5. Rainforest Animals (Animal Verse) (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Hess
Ages 4-8 09/2002
12 Reviews  
6. Chanda and the Mirror of Moonlight (Zero to Ten Folktale Series) (Hardco...
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill, Asha Kathoria
    Illustrator: Karin Littlewood
Ages 4-8 10/2001
4 Reviews  
7. Farmyard Animals (Animal Verse series) (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Hess
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
4 Reviews  
8. Lao Lao of Dragon Mountain (Folktales) (Paperback)
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill
    Illustrator: Francesca Pelizzoli
Ages 4-8 04/02/1998
14 Reviews  
9. In the Jungle (Little Players) (Hardcover)
    Author: Benedicte Guettier
Ages 4-8 01/16/2004
9 Reviews  
10. Safari Animals (Animal Verse series) (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Hess
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
5 Reviews  
11. We Are What We Eat! (Things I Eat series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Sally Smallwood
Ages 4-8 09/01/2008
3 Reviews  
12. Rainforest Animals (Animal Verse series) (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Hess
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
9 Reviews  
13. Shota and the Star Quilt (Folk Tales series) (Paperback)
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill
    Illustrator: Francesca Pelizzoli
Ages 4-8 04/01/2001
8 Reviews  
14. I Eat Vegetables! (Things I Eat series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hannah Tofts
    Illustrator: Hannah Tofts
Baby−PreK 04/01/2001
64 Reviews  
15. Cool as a Cucumber (Things I Eat series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Sally Smallwood
Young Adult 05/01/2005
1 Reviews  
16. One Cool Watermelon (Things I Eat series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hannah Tofts
Ages 4-8 11/01/2008
5 Reviews  
17. Lao Lao of Dragon Mountain (Folk Tales) (Hardcover)
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill
    Illustrator: Francesca Pelizzoli
Ages 4-8 07/01/1998
11 Reviews  
18. The Last Straw (Hardcover)
    Author: Fredrick H. Thury
    Illustrator: Vlasta van Kampen
(Unknown)  /1999
47 Reviews  
19. The Dragon Who Couldn't Do Sporty Things (Little Dragon) (Paperback)
    Author: Anni Axworthy
Ages 4-8 04/01/2010
2 Reviews  
20. Shota and the Starquilt (Folktale Collection S.) (Paperback)
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill
    Illustrator: Christine Fowler
Ages 4-8 04/01/2001
7 Reviews  
21. Write Around the World (Paperback)
    Author: Vivian French
    Illustrator: Ross Collins
Ages 4-8 04/03/2003
1 Reviews  
22. At the Party (Little Players) (Hardcover)
    Author: Benedicte Guettier
    Illustrator: Benedicte Guettier
Ages 4-8 02/29/2004
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23. Rainforest Animals (Animal Worlds) (Hardcover)
    Author: Paul Hess
Baby−PreK 12/1999
8 Reviews  
24. Shota and the Star Quilt (Folk Tales) (Hardcover)
    Author: Margaret Bateson-Hill
    Illustrator: Francesca Pelizzoli
Ages 4-8 09/01/1998
8 Reviews  
25. Polar Animals (Animal Verse series) (Paperback)
    Author: Paul Hess
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
1 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)