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Viewpoint Press

Viewpoint Press is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Books published by Viewpoint Press include The Secret of Hilhouse: An Adult Book for Teens, The Huckenpuck Papers: The Tale of a Family's Secret and a young Girl's Search for Self-Esteem, Cowpath Days, and The Super, Stupendous and Tremendously Terrific Show-and-Tell Day.

Main Address: PMB 400, 785 Tucker Road #G
Tehachapi CA 93561 USA
Updated 12/7/2008

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Results 1 - 5 of 5     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Secret of Hilhouse: An Adult Book for Teens (Paperback)
    Author: P. J. Pokeberry
    Illustrator: Peggy Mueller
Young Adult 12/15/2003
3 Reviews  
2. Cowpath Days (Paperback)
    Author: Mary Alice Countess
    Illustrator: Susan Daggett
Ages 4-8 03/01/2002
1 Reviews  
3. The Huckenpuck Papers: The Tale of a Family's Secret and a young Girl's ...
    Author: P. J. Pokeberry
Ages 4-8 01/15/2003
1 Reviews  
4. Cowpath days (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Mary Alice. Daggett, Susan, Countess
(Unknown)  /2001
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5. The Super, Stupendous and Tremendously Terrific Show-and-Tell Day (Hardc...
    Author: Martha McFarland
Ages 4-8 06/30/1998
1 Reviews  
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