Publisher Information
Trafalgar Square
Books on crafts & decorating, gardening & flower arranging, horses and riding, mind-body-spirit, art & architecture, history, biography, women's studies, performing arts, pets, fiction & literature, travel, children's books, audiobooks, and 35 additional subjects, including the best books from British publishers. In the fall of 2006, the company was bought by the senior management of Chicago Review Press Incorporated, the parent company of Independent Publishers Group, and operations were moved from Vermont to Chicago. Trafalgar Square Publishing is not to be confused with Trafalgar Square Books, a publisher of equestrian books and one of IPG's distribution clients.
Main Address: |
814 North Franklin Street Chicago IL 60610 USA | Phone: 312.337.0747 |
Fax: 312.337.5985 | ||
Updated 5/5/2007 |
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