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Paradigm Publishers

Paradigm Publishers is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Paradigm Publishers include Mama Cat's Adventures in Child Training Presents: No Whining, Fast Families, Virtual Children, The Red Badge of Courage, and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Main Address: 3360 Mitchell Lane, Suite E
Boulder CO 80301 USA
Phone: (303) 245-9054
Updated 12/10/2006

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Contact Information:Ms. Beth Davis
Paradigm Publishers
3360 Mitchell Lane, Suite E
Boulder CO 80301
Updated 5/17/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 10 of 10     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Mama Cat's Adventures in Child Training Presents: No Whining (Hardcover)
    Author: Janice C. Villnerve
    Illustrator: Joyce M. Turley
Baby−PreK 05/2004
11 Reviews  
2. The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle (The EMC masterpiece series acce...
    Author: Avi
Ages 4-8 09/1999
1,795 Reviews  
3. The Red Badge of Courage (The Emc Masterpiece Series Access Editions) (H...
    Author: Stephen Crane
Ages 9-12 09/1999
1,173 Reviews  
4. Where the Red Fern Grows: Access Edition (The Emc Masterpiece Series Acc...
    Author: Wilson Rawls
Ages 9-12 10/1999
9,068 Reviews  
5. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (The Emc Masterpiece Series Access Editions...
    Author: Mildred D. Taylor
Young Adult 09/1999
5,292 Reviews  
6. Fast Families, Virtual Children (Paperback)
    Author: Ben Agger, Beth Anne Shelton
(Unknown)  05/2007
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7. Fast Families, Virtual Children (Hardcover)
    Author: Ben Agger, Beth Anne Shelton
(Unknown)  05/16/2007
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8. Working at Human Relations (Paperback)
    Author: Rosemary T. Fruehling, Neild B. Oldham
(Unknown)  04/1991
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9. Working at Human Relations (Paperback)
    Author: Rosemary T. Fruehling
(Unknown)  01/1991
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10. Mama Cat's Adventures in Child Training Presents: No Whining [Hardcover]...
    Author: Janice C. Villnerve
(Unknown)  /2004
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