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Paraclete Press (MA)

Paraclete Press (MA) is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Paraclete Press (MA) include The Practice of the Presence of God, My Baptism Book, The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others.

Main Address: PO Box 1568
Orleans MA 02653 USA
Phone: 508-255-4685
Fax: 508-255-5705
Updated 12/10/2006

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Editorial Review Committee
Paraclete Press (MA)
PO Box 1568
Orleans MA 02653
[email protected]
1-800-451-5006 ext. 341
Updated 1/13/2007
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Results 1 - 25 of 78     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. My Baptism Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Sophie Piper
    Illustrator: Dubravka Kolanovic
Ages 4-8 02/01/2007
15 Reviews  
2. Journey to the Heart: Centering Prayer for Children (Paperback)
    Author: Frank X. Jelenek
    Illustrator: Ann Boyajian
Ages 4-8 10/01/2007
20 Reviews  
3. The Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others (Paperback)
    Author: Scot McKnight, Scott McKnight
(Unknown)  08/01/2004
19 Reviews  
4. Praying in Color Kids' Edition: Kid's Edition (Paperback)
    Author: Sybil Macbeth
Ages 4-8 02/01/2009
6 Reviews  
5. Holy Silence (Kindle Edition)
    Author: J. Brent Bill
(Unknown)  02/01/2012
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6. The Story of Other Wise Man (Hardcover)
    Author: Henry Van Dyke
(Unknown)  10/01/2008
147 Reviews  
7. The Blessing of Beasts (Hardcover)
    Author: Ethel Pochocki
    Illustrator: Barry Moser
Ages 4-8 05/01/2007
16 Reviews  
8. My Heaven Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Clare Simpson
(Unknown)  05/28/2016
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9. Probity Jones and the Fear Not Angel (Paraclete Poetry) (Hardcover)
    Author: Walter Wangerin
    Illustrator: Tim Ladwig
Ages 4-8 10/01/2005
8 Reviews  
10. Paraclete Bible for Toddlers (Hardcover)
    Author: Juliet David
    Illustrator: Helen Prole
(Unknown)  01/28/2016
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11. Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter (Paperback)
    Author: Laura Alary
    Illustrator: Ann Boyajian
(Unknown)  01/01/2016
10 Reviews  
12. Saint Francis of Assisi (Paperback)
    Author: Joyce Denham
    Illustrator: Elena Temporin
Ages 4-8 02/28/2008
1 Reviews  
13. My Baptism Album - Boy (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Lynn Horrabin
(Unknown)  03/28/2015
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14. The Blessing of Beasts (Hardcover)
    Author: Ethel Pochocki, Hal M. Helms
    Illustrator: Barry Moser
(Unknown)  05/01/2007
5 Reviews  
15. Writing to God: Kid's Edition (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Rachel Hackenberg
(Unknown)  03/01/2012
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16. The Practice of the Presence of God (Paraclete Essentials) (Paperback)
    Author: D. H. Lawrence, Lawrence Brother
(Unknown)  06/01/2010
2,235 Reviews  
17. Sacred Doorways (Paperback)
    Author: Linette Martin
(Unknown)  09/01/2006
22 Reviews  
18. Writing to God: Kids' Edition (Paperback)
    Author: Rachel G. Hackenberg
Ages 9-12 03/01/2012
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19. The Practice of the Presence of God (Christian Classic) (Paperback)
    Author: D. H. Lawrence
(Unknown)  04/19/1995
1 Reviews
20. Practicing the Presence of God: Learn to Live Moment-by-Moment (Christia...
    Author: Brother Lawrence
(Unknown)  09/01/2007
274 Reviews  
21. Practicing the Presence of God: Learn to Live Moment-by-Moment (Christia...
    Author: Brother Lawrence
(Unknown)  09/01/2007
125 Reviews  
22. A Tiny Step Away from Deepest Faith: Teenager's Search for Meaning (Pape...
    Author: Marjorie Corbman
(Unknown)  10/01/2005
9 Reviews  
23. Unceasing Prayer: A Beginner's Guide (Paperback)
    Author: Debra K. Farrington
(Unknown)  09/2002
3 Reviews  
24. The Genesis of It All (Hardcover)
    Author: Luci Shaw
    Illustrator: Mary Lane, Huai-kuang Miao
Ages 4-8 10/01/2006
6 Reviews  
25. Women of the Bible (Hardcover)
    Author: Margaret McAllister
(Unknown)  08/28/2013
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