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Oliver & Boyd

Oliver & Boyd is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Oliver & Boyd include Ecce Scriptores Rommani: A Selection of Latin Prose and Verse, Science from the Beginning: Pupils Book Bk. 4, Britain, 1850-1979: A Developing Democracy, and Seacrow Island.

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Edinburgh Scotland
Updated 3/14/2009

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Results 1 - 25 of 281     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Ecce Scriptores Rommani: A Selection of Latin Prose and Verse (Scottish ...
    Author: Scottish Classics Group
Ages 4-8 07/1993
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2. Modular Courses in Technology: Mechanisms (Paperback)
    Author: Schools Council
(Unknown)  11/16/1981
1 Reviews  
3. Christmas (Hardcover)
    Author: Barbara Cooney
(Unknown)  /1968
1 Reviews  
4. Seacrow Island (Hardcover)
    Author: Astrid Lindgren
    Illustrator: Robert Hales
(Unknown)  /1968
320 Reviews  
5. The Singing Street (Hardcover)
    Author: James Ritchie, James T.R. Ritchie
(Unknown)  /1964
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6. Reading 2000 (R200) (Paperback)
    Author: Sarah Palmer
(Unknown)  11/07/1988
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7. Emily Dickinson (Hardcover)
    Author: D. Duncan
(Unknown)  /1965
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8. History of the Scots: Voyages of Discovery to the Jacobites Bk. 2 (Paper...
    Author: I Ferguson
(Unknown)  03/1988
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9. Heterogeneous catalysis (University chemical texts, 4) (Unknown Binding)
    Author: S. J Thomson
(Unknown)  /1968
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10. Damals war es Friedrich; (Brunnen Bucher) (German Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Hans Peter Richter
(Unknown)  /1968
78 Reviews  
11. Britain 1850-1979 Pb (Higher Grade History) (Paperback)
    Author: Sydney Wood
(Unknown)  12/07/1992
1 Reviews  
12. Science from the Beginning (Bk. 4) (Paperback)
    Author: Brian L. Hampson, Kenneth Cedric Evans
(Unknown)  09/05/1977
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13. Reading 2000 (R200) (Paperback)
    Author: Sarah Palmer
(Unknown)  11/07/1988
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14. Horses (The Signpost library, 15) (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Evelyn Mary Edwards
(Unknown)  /1967
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15. History of the Scots: Agricultural Revolution to Oil and Nuclear Power B...
    Author: I Ferguson
(Unknown)  07/1988
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16. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Junior Activity Cards 4 (Paperback)
    Author: John Marshall, Wilfred Cockcroft
(Unknown)  01/09/1996
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17. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Junior Copymasters 4 (Paperback)
    Author: John Marshall, Wilfred Cockcroft
(Unknown)  10/19/1995
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18. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Key Stage 2 (Paperback)
    Author: John Marshall, etc., Wilfred Cockcroft
(Unknown)  10/1995
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19. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Key Stage 2 (Paperback)
    Author: Jennifer Armstrong, John Marshall, John Page, L Parton, Wilfred Cockcroft, I Lusk, A. Bartel, D. Bootherstone, Gwyn Pryce
(Unknown)  09/1994
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20. Oliver and Boyd Geography: Bk. 4 (Oliver & Boyd Geography) (Paperback)
    Author: B Marsden, David Flint, W.E. Marsden
(Unknown)  01/1994
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21. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Key Stage 2 (Paperback)
    Author: Jennifer Armstrong, John Marshall
(Unknown)  09/1994
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22. New Curriculum Mathematics for Schools: Key Stage 2, Activity Cards 3 (L...
    Author: J.L. Page, Jennifer Armstrong, John Marshall, I Lusk, A. Bartel, D. Bootherstone, K. Manning, W. Cockcroft
(Unknown)  01/31/1994
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23. Oliver and Boyd Geography: Copymasters, No.4 (Oliver & Boyd Geography) (...
    Author: David Flint
(Unknown)  01/1994
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24. Oliver and Boyd Geography: Key Stage 2, Level 4, Evaluation Pack (Oliver...
    Author: W.E. Marsden
(Unknown)  04/05/1994
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25. Oliver and Boyd Geography: Bk. 5 (Oliver & Boyd Geography) (Paperback)
    Author: W.E. Marsden
(Unknown)  05/1994
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