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Oceano is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Oceano include El Soldadito de Plomo / The Steadfast Tin Soldier - Libro y CD, El Raton de Ciudad y el Raton de Campo / The City Mouse and the Country Mouse - Libro y CD, Cuando Tia Lola Vino De Visita a Quedarse/How Tia Lola Came to Visit Stay, and La Gallinita Trula / Henny-Penny - Libro y Cassette.

Main Address: Milanesat, 21 - 23 - 25 - 27
Barcelona 08017 Spain
Phone: 93 280 20 20
Fax: 93 204 10 73
Updated 12/8/2006

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Results 1 - 14 of 14     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Cuando Tia Lola Vino de Visita a Quedarse (The Tia Lola Stories) (Spanis...
    Author: Julia Alvarez, Carolina Sanin Paz
(Unknown)  10/2001
120 Reviews  
2. Cascanueces / The Nutcracker - Libro y Cassette (Spanish Edition) (Hardc...
    Author: Graham Percy
    Illustrator: Graham Percy
(Unknown)  01/01/1901
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3. Caperucita Roja / Little Red Riding Hood - Libro y Cassette (Spanish Edi...
    Author: Graham Percy
(Unknown)  01/01/1901
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4. La Gallinita Trula / Henny-Penny - Libro y Cassette (Spanish Edition) (H...
    Author: Graham Percy
    Illustrator: Graham Percy
Ages 4-8 01/01/1901
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5. Mis Amigos Los Animales (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Scarry
(Unknown)  /1983
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6. Clan del Oso Cavernario (Paperback)
    Author: Jean M. Auel
(Unknown)  10/2000
3,788 Reviews  
7. Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos / Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Book a...
    Author: Graham Percy
    Illustrator: Graham Percy
Ages 4-8 /2010
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8. Trabajando (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Scarry
(Unknown)  /1983
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9. En La Granja (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Scarry
(Unknown)  /1983
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10. Este sapo no es de trapo (Paperback)
    Author: Hilario
(Unknown)  06/15/2010
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11. El valle de los caballos (Nueva edicion) (Paperback)
    Author: Jean M. Auel
(Unknown)  /2008
3 Reviews  
12. Los refugios de piedra (Nueva edicion) (Paperback)
    Author: Jean M. Auel
(Unknown)  /2008
1 Reviews  
13. Minas del Rey Salomon, Las (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: H. Rider Haggard
(Unknown)  07/2001
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14. Divina Comedia, La (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Dante Alighieri
(Unknown)  08/2000
6 Reviews  
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