How to Advertise

  • You can have your advertisement featured immediately on JacketFlap by filling in the form below
  • Where will my ad be Featured?
    A different ad is featured each time a page is loaded on JacketFlap. Up to 20 featured ads are also displayed below the list of Recent Blog posts in the left column of the Blog Reader.
  • What size should my advertisement be?
    Your advertisement will be resized automatically to a maximum of 160 pixels wide. Images must be in GIF or JPG format.

    Be sure to enter a coupon code, if you have one.
Enter your contact information

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Phone#:  Coupon code: 

Vertical "skyscraper" advertisement:

Upload and describe your advertisement
Advertisement image: 
Specs: must be JPG or GIF
Maximum of 160 pixels wide
Text link above ad: 
Text below ad: 
(150 characters maximum)
You may use bold, italics,
and br tags for formatting.
Destination URL: 
(clicking ad goes to this URL)

Select the start date and number of weeks you wish to advertise
Start date:
Number of weeks: at $150 per week
(you will see a preview after submitting)