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McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing

For over 100 years, McGraw-Hill has been recognized for publishing some of the most respected and well-known works in a wide range of professional fields.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: professional and reference, engineering, scientific, business, architecture, encyclopaedias, college textbooks, high school and vocational textbooks, business, secretarial, career, trade books, training materials for industry.

Main Address: Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor
New York New York 10121-2298 United States America
Phone: 212-512-2000
Updated 12/30/2006

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Contact Information:Mr. Larry Loeppke
[email protected]
563 589-1315
Updated 6/30/2005
Contact Information:Mr. Philip Ruppel
Vice President & Group Publisher
McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing
New York New York 10121-2298
[email protected]
Updated 1/7/2006
Non-Fiction SubmissionsPolicy: e-mail Larry Loeppke
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 302     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Little Critter Box Set, Level 1 A, Volume 1 (Mercer Mayer First Reader; ...
    Author: Mercer Mayer
    Illustrator: Mercer Mayer
Ages 4-8 09/26/2001
8 Reviews  
2. Reading Mastery Rainbow Edition: Skillbook, Grades 5-6, Level 6 (Paperback)
    Author: Siegfried Engelmann
(Unknown)  01/31/1994
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3. Reasoning and Writing - Additional Answer Key - Level E (Paperback)
    Author: McGraw-Hill
(Unknown)  06/01/2000
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4. Traditions Encounters - A Global Perspective on the Past 2005 (Third Edi...
    Author: HerbertZiegler, Bentley - Ziegler
Young Adult /2005
2 Reviews  
5. MacMillan/McGraw-Hill Reading (Hardcover)
    Author: James, Hasbrouck, Jan E., & Hoffman, James Flood
(Unknown)  /2005
4 Reviews  
6. Spectrum Writing, Grade 8 (McGraw-Hill Learning Materials Spectrum) (Pap...
    Author: Carson Dellosa Publishing, School Specialty Publishing
Young Adult 06/15/2002
2 Reviews  
7. United States Government Democracy in Action (2005 publication) (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard C. Remy, Richard C.(Author) ; McGraw-Hill(Author) Remy, RichardMcGraw-Hil Rem
Young Adult /2005
8 Reviews  
8. Everyday Mathematics Math Masters Grade 5 (Paperback)
    Author: Max Bell
(Unknown)  /2007
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9. Glencoe World History (National Geographic Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Jackson J. Spielvogel
(Unknown)  /2005
30 Reviews  
10. So Far Bamboo Grove Related Readings Gr7 (The Glencoe literature library...
    Author: Glencoe
(Unknown)  03/03/2000
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11. MBA Admissions Strategy: From Profile Building to Essay Writing (Paperback)
    Author: A.V. Gordon
(Unknown)  09/01/2005
28 Reviews  
12. The Happy Lion (Hardcover)
    Author: Louise Fatio
    Illustrator: Illustrated, Roger Duvoisin
(Unknown)  /1954
9 Reviews  
13. Regions : Adventures in Time and Place (Hardcover)
    Author: James A. Banks, Mary A. McFarland
(Unknown)  /1999
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14. The Stage and the School (Paperback)
    Author: McGraw-Hill
(Unknown)  /1999
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15. Physical Universe (Hardcover)
    Author: Arthur Beiser, Konrad Bates Krauskopf
(Unknown)  03/1986
14 Reviews  
16. Comprehensive Curriculum Plus Test Practice, Grade 1: Basic Skills / Tes...
    Author: McGraw-Hill, School Specialty Publishing
Ages 4-8 01/16/2003
1 Reviews  
17. Anatole and the Pied Piper (Hardcover)
    Author: Eve Titus, Paul Galdone
Baby−PreK 07/1979
4 Reviews  
18. Human Heritage: A World History - Teacher's Wraparound Edition (Paperback)
    Author: Greenblatt, Lemmo
(Unknown)  05/23/1994
2 Reviews  
19. Physical Science (Hardcover)
    Author: McLaughlin
(Unknown)  /2008
2 Reviews  
20. Creating and Understanding Drawings: Instructor's Guide/Teacher's Resour...
    Author: Gene A. Mittler, James Howze
(Unknown)  01/01/1995
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21. Number Sense (Teacher's Resource Guide and Answer Key) (Paperback)
    Author: Allan D. Suter
(Unknown)  /2003
2 Reviews  
22. Reasoning and Writing Level C: Additional Teacher's Guide (Paperback)
    Author: McGraw-Hill
(Unknown)  10/01/2001
1 Reviews  
23. Spectrum Writing, Grade 5 (Spectrum Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Carson Dellosa Publishing, School Specialty Publishing
Ages 9-12 06/15/2002
1 Reviews  
24. Language Arts: Grade 6 (Spectrum) (Paperback)
    Author: Betty Jane Wagner
Ages 9-12 01/2001
5 Reviews  
25. Physical Science (Teacher's Wraparound Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Glencoe
(Unknown)  10/04/1997
1 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)