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McDougal Littell & Company

A leading US publisher for grades 6-12 and a division of Houghton Mifflin.

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Phone: 800-323-5435
Updated 8/15/2005

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Updated 10/18/2005
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Results 1 - 25 of 994     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Algebra and Trigonometry: Structure and Method, Book 2 (Hardcover)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Richard Brown
Young Adult 01/26/1999
65 Reviews  
2. Algebra: Structure and Method, Book 1 (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Brown
Young Adult 01/2000
95 Reviews  
3. Geometry: Concepts & Skills (Hardcover)
    Author: Boswell Larson, McDougal Littell
Young Adult 10/31/2001
26 Reviews  
4. McDougal Littell Algebra 2: Pupil's Edition (Hardcover)
    Author: Laurie Boswell, McDougal Littell, Ron Larson, Timothy D. Kanold, Lee Stiff
Young Adult 04/15/2003
110 Reviews  
5. McDougal Littell Middle School Math: Student Edition Pre-Algebra 2005 (H...
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 06/2005
51 Reviews  
6. McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction: Student Edition...
    Author: McDougal Littell, Roger B. Beck
Young Adult 02/28/2007
51 Reviews  
7. Holt McDougal Larson Geometry: Students Edition Geometry 2007 (Hardcover)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 01/05/2006
102 Reviews  
8. McDougal Littell Algebra 1 (McDougal Littell Mathematics) (Hardcover)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 01/05/2006
60 Reviews  
9. Holt McDougal Larson Algebra 2: Students Edition Algebra 2 2007 (Hardcover)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 01/05/2006
52 Reviews  
10. McDougal Geometry: Concepts & Skills (Student Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Laurie Boswell, Ron Larson, Lee Stiff
Young Adult 07/28/2004
25 Reviews  
11. Modern World History Patterns of Interaction (Hardcover)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Roger B. Beck
Young Adult 01/1999
7 Reviews  
12. Algebra 2 and Trigonometry (Hardcover)
    Author: Houghton Mifflin Company
Young Adult 01/1995
14 Reviews  
13. McDougal Littell High School Math: Practice Workbook Algebra 1 (Paperback)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 03/02/2006
158 Reviews  
14. McDougal Littell Algebra 1: Concepts and Skills (Hardcover)
    Author: Laurie Boswell, McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult /2004
37 Reviews  
15. Algebra 2 Practice Workbook with Examples (Paperback)
    Author: McDougal Littell, Ron Larson
Young Adult 03/23/2000
26 Reviews  
16. McDougal Littell ?En Espa?ol!: Student Edition Level 1 2000 (Spanish Edi...
    Author: Estella Gahala, McDougal Littell
(Unknown)  01/05/1999
41 Reviews  
17. McDougal Littell Discovering French Nouveau: Student Edition Level 2 200...
    Author: Jean-Paul Valette, Rebecca M. Valette
Young Adult 11/01/2004
13 Reviews  
18. McDougal Littell ?En Espa?ol!: Pupil Edition Hardcover Level 1 2004 (Spa...
    Author: Estella Gahala, Patricia Hamilton Carlin, Ricardo Otheguy, Audrey L. Heining-Boynton, Barbara J. Rupert
Young Adult 12/02/2002
44 Reviews  
19. McDougal Littell High School Math: Student Edition Geometry 2001 (Hardco...
    Author: Laurie Boswell, Ron Larson, Lee Stiff
Young Adult 02/03/2000
103 Reviews  
20. McDougal Littell Algebra 1: Applications, Equations, Graphs (Hardcover)
    Author: Boswell, Ron Larson, Kanold
Young Adult 11/03/1999
101 Reviews  
21. McDougal Littell Discovering French Nouveau: Workbook with Lesson Revie...
    Author: Jean-Paul Valette, McDougal Littell, Rebecca M. Valette
Young Adult 07/14/2005
10 Reviews  
22. McDougal Littell Science: Student's Edition Grade 6 Earth Science 2006 (...
    Author: James Trefil, McDougal Littell, Kenneth, Ms. Cutler, Rita Ann Calvo
Young Adult 04/12/2005
4 Reviews  
23. World History: Patterns of Interaction (Hardcover)
    Author: Larry S. Krieger, Roger B. Bech, Roger B. Beck, Phillip C. Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Linda Black
Young Adult 01/2005
76 Reviews  
24. McDougal Littell Discovering French Nouveau: Student Edition Level 2 200...
    Author: Jean-Paul Valette, McDougal Littell, Rebecca M. Valette
Young Adult 12/29/1999
7 Reviews  
25. McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction California: Stud...
    Author: Larry S. Krieger, McDougal Littell, Roger B. Beck, Linda Black
(Unknown)  01/07/2005
19 Reviews  
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