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Longhorn Creek Press

Longhorn Creek Press is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Longhorn Creek Press include In The Wake Of Suicide; A Child's Journey, The Caretaker of Tree Palace, Simmering Secrets of Weeping Mary, and Amazing Graci and the River Bottom Goats.

Main Address: 2438 Tenth Street
Irving TX 75060 USA
Phone: (972) 790-4708
Fax: (972) 579-4890
Updated 1/25/2007

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Results 1 - 9 of 9     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. In The Wake Of Suicide; A Child's Journey (Hardcover)
    Author: Diane B. Kaulen
    Illustrator: Grami McAdoo
Ages 4-8 03/22/2008
1 Reviews  
2. Amazing Graci and the River Bottom Goats (Paperback)
    Author: Grami McAdoo, O'Pa McAdoo
Ages 9-12 04/01/2005
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3. The Caretaker of Tree Palace (Hardcover)
    Author: C. Dawn Mccallum
    Illustrator: Morgan Doxey
Ages 9-12 08/06/2006
10 Reviews  
4. Simmering Secrets of Weeping Mary (A Deuteronomy Devilrow Mystery) (Pape...
    Author: Merry Hassell Frels
Ages 9-12 03/2005
4 Reviews  
5. Adventures of Sergeant Socks: Journey Home (Paperback)
    Author: Grami McAdoo, O'Pa McAdoo
Ages 9-12 08/2003
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6. The Adventures of Sergeant Socks: The Bravest Heart (Paperback)
    Author: Grami McAdoo, O'Pa McAdoo
    Illustrator: Grami McAdoo
Ages 9-12 09/30/2004
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7. Teachers Guide for The Caretaker Of Tree Palace (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: C. Dawn Mccallum
(Unknown)  09/01/2006
5 Reviews  
8. The Legend of Red Leaf (Paperback)
    Author: Don Watson
Young Adult 03/01/2005
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9. Children Under the Playhouse (Paperback)
    Author: Tricia Allen
Ages 9-12 09/04/2004
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