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Liturgical Press

Theological publisher. Special focus on liturgy, in both scholarly and pastoral aspects. English and Spanish.

Main Address: St. John's Abbey PO Box 7500
Collegeville MN 56321-7500 USA
Phone: 320-363-2218
Fax: 320-363-3299
Updated 1/25/2007

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: email - [email protected]
Contact Information:Mr. Mark Twomey
Editorial Director
Liturgical Press
St. John's Abbey
Collegeville MN 56321-7500
[email protected]
Updated 6/30/2005
Contact Information:Mr. Hans Christofferson
Editorial Director
Liturgical Press
St. John's Abbey PO Box 7500
Collegeville MN 56321-7500
[email protected]
Updated 3/8/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 104     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Benedictine Handbook (Hardcover) (Unknown)  01/01/2003
12 Reviews  
2. Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church (Paperback)
    Author: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson
(Unknown)  03/01/2008
21 Reviews  
3. Lost in Wonder: Rediscovering the Spiritual Art of Attentiveness (Hardco...
    Author: Esther De Waal
(Unknown)  10/01/2003
8 Reviews  
4. The Rule of Benedict for Beginners: Spirituality for Daily Life (Paperback)
    Author: Wil Derkse
(Unknown)  01/10/2003
18 Reviews  
5. Butler's Lives of the Saints (Hardcover)
    Author: Paul Burns
(Unknown)  09/01/2003
20 Reviews  
6. Oracional Bilingue Para Ninos: A Children's Prayerbook in Spanish-Englis...
    Author: Jorge Peralas
(Unknown)  01/1998
3 Reviews  
7. November (Butler's Lives of the Saints) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alban Butler, Paul Burns, Sarah Fawcett Thomas
(Unknown)  05/01/1997
21 Reviews  
8. Ambrose and the Cathedral Dream (Ambrose the Mouse Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Margo Sorenson
    Illustrator: Katalin Szegedi
Ages 4-8 11/10/2006
3 Reviews  
9. The Creation Story: In Words and Sign Language (Hardcover)
    Author: John P. Audia
    Illustrator: David Spohn
Ages 9-12 04/01/2007
1 Reviews  
10. Take It to the Queen: A Tale of Hope (Hardcover)
    Author: Josephine Nobisso
    Illustrator: Katalin Szegedi
Ages 4-8 07/15/2009
19 Reviews  
11. Butler's Lives of the Saints: January (Butler's Lives of the Saints) (Ha...
    Author: Paul Burns
(Unknown)  12/01/1995
4 Reviews  
12. The Christmas Star: (Board book)
    Author: Paloma Wensell
    Illustrator: Ulises Wensell
Ages 4-8 10/01/2006
1 Reviews  
13. Jesus Is Born (Children) (Hardcover)
    Author: Rolf Krenzer
    Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Ages 4-8 08/01/1999
1 Reviews  
14. "Let me know you . . ." (Paperback)
    Author: Donald X. Burt
(Unknown)  01/01/2003
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15. Living Liturgy: Spirituality, Celebration, and Catechesis for Sundays an...
    Author: Joyce Ann Zimmerman
(Unknown)  07/05/2010
7 Reviews  
16. The Joy of the Gospel (Paperback)
    Author: Carlo Maria Martini
Young Adult 06/14/2002
2 Reviews  
17. The Shepherd and the 100 Sheep (Children) (Hardcover)
    Author: Michal Hudak
Ages 4-8 08/01/1999
2 Reviews  
18. A Night Night Prayer (Hardcover)
    Author: Amy Parker
Ages 4-8 07/15/2008
9 Reviews  
19. The Spirituality of the Psalms (Paperback)
    Author: Carroll Stuhlmueller, Timothy A. Lenchak, Carol Dempsey
(Unknown)  01/01/2002
1 Reviews  
20. Where in the World Is God? (Hardcover)
    Author: Rosemarie Kunzler-Behncke
Ages 4-8 06/30/2006
1 Reviews  
21. Stations of the Cross for Children (Paperback)
    Author: Rita Coleman
(Unknown)  01/06/1992
2 Reviews  
22. God Speaks to Us in Water Stories (Children) (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan
    Illustrator: Marygrace Dulski Antkowski
(Unknown)  10/1996
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23. El Ano Maravilloso de Dominga/Dominga's Wonderful Year (Multilingual Edi...
    Author: Sandi Yonikus
    Illustrator: Annika Marie Nelson
(Unknown)  09/01/2003
2 Reviews  
24. God Speaks to Us in Feeding Stories (God Speaks to Us Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Ann Getty-Sullivan
    Illustrator: Marygrace Dulski Antkowski
Ages 4-8 06/1998
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25. Butler's Lives of the Saints (February) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alban Butler, Paul Burns
(Unknown)  09/1998
2 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)