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Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins include The Gobble-Uns 'll Git You Ef You Don't Watch Out! - James Whitcomb Riley's Little Orphant Annie: James Whitcomb Riley's Little Orphant Annie, Kickle Snifters and Other Fearsome Critters, Manual of Pediatric Therapeutics, and Notes on Nursing, Replica Edition: What It Is and What It Is Not.

Main Address: 351 West Camden Street
Baltimore MD 21201-2436 USA
Phone: 410-528-4000
Fax: 410-528-8597
Updated 1/23/2007

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Acquisitions Editor
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
351 West Camden Street
Baltimore MD 21201-2436
Updated 3/8/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 375     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. To Kill a Mockingbird (Hardcover)
    Author: Harper Lee
(Unknown)  06/1960
104,261 Reviews  
2. SOAP for Pediatrics (Paperback)
    Author: Michael A. Polisky, Breck Nichols
(Unknown)  06/08/2004
1 Reviews  
3. An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving (Hardcover)
    Author: Louisa May Alcott
    Illustrator: Holly Johnson
Ages 9-12 10/1974
218 Reviews  
4. Lois Lenski's Christmas Stories (Hardcover)
    Author: Lois Lenski
(Unknown)  08/1980
6 Reviews  
5. A Clinical Guide to Pediatric Sleep: Diagnosis and Management of Sleep P...
    Author: Jodi A. Mindell, Judith A. Owens
(Unknown)  08/28/2009
5 Reviews  
6. Textbook of Therapeutics: Drug and Disease Management (Helms, Textbook o...
    Author: Richard A Helms
(Unknown)  04/26/2006
8 Reviews  
7. Pediatric Sonography (Hardcover) (Unknown)  10/04/2010
4 Reviews  
8. Interior Design and Decoration (Hardcover)
    Author: Augustus Sherrill Whiton
(Unknown)  06/1974
10 Reviews  
9. Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children: Text Plus Integrated Conten...
    Author: James H Beaty
(Unknown)  03/30/2012
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10. Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children: Text Plus Integrated Conten... (Unknown)  12/29/2009
8 Reviews  
11. Connie's New Eyes (Hardcover)
    Author: Bernard Wolf
Ages 9-12 11/1976
2 Reviews  
12. Hazel Rye (Hardcover)
    Author: Bill Cleaver, Vera Cleaver
Young Adult 06/01/1983
2 Reviews  
13. An Illustrated Adventure in Human Anatomy: Blueprints for Health, 2nd Ed...
    Author: Anatomical Chart Company
Ages 9-12 04/29/2002
5 Reviews  
14. The Gobble-Uns 'll Git You Ef You Don't Watch Out! - James Whitcomb Rile...
    Author: James Whitcomb Riley
    Illustrator: Joel Schick
Ages 4-8 03/1975
16 Reviews  
15. The Chalk Box Story (Hardcover)
    Author: Don Freeman
Baby−PreK 11/1976
5 Reviews  
16. Racketty-Packetty House (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett, Holly Johnson
Ages 9-12 09/1975
43 Reviews  
17. Pediatric Sonography (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Marilyn J. Siegel
(Unknown)  03/30/2012
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18. Visual Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Esther K. Chung
(Unknown)  03/30/2012
1 Reviews  
19. Pediatric Radiation Oncology (Halperin, Pediatric Radiation Oncology) (K...
    Author: Edward C. Halperin, Edward C, MD Halperin
(Unknown)  03/30/2012
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20. Gobs of Goo (Hardcover)
    Author: Vicki Cobb
Ages 4-8 03/1983
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21. My Father, the Coach (Hardcover)
    Author: Alfred Slote
Ages 9-12 09/1972
1 Reviews  
22. Notes on Nursing (Paperback)
    Author: Florence Nightingale
(Unknown)  01/01/1992
151 Reviews  
23. Pediatric Radiation Oncology (Halperin, Pediatric Radiation Oncology) (H...
    Author: Edward C. Halperin, Louis S. Constine, Larry E Kun, Nancy J Tarbell
(Unknown)  10/11/2010
3 Reviews  
24. The Year Without a Santa Claus (Hardcover)
    Author: Phyllis McGinley
Ages 4-8 09/1981
44 Reviews  
25. Interior Design and Decoration (Paperback)
    Author: Augustus Sherrill Whiton
(Unknown)  06/01/1974
25 Reviews  
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