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Linnet Professional Publications

Linnet Professional Publications is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Linnet Professional Publications include Art in Story: Teaching Art History to Elementary School Children, Creative Drama and Music Methods: Introductory Activities for Children, Language Arts and Environmental Awareness: 100+ Integrated Books and Activities for Children, and Children's Nonfiction for Adult Information Needs: An Annotated Bibliography.

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Updated 2/9/2005

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Results 1 - 7 of 7     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Art in Story: Teaching Art History to Elementary School Children (Paperb...
    Author: Marianne C. Saccardi
Ages 4-8 09/1997
7 Reviews  
2. Creative Drama and Music Methods: Introductory Activities for Children (...
    Author: Janet Rubin, Margaret Merrion
Ages 4-8 11/1996
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3. Language Arts and Environmental Awareness: 100+ Integrated Books and Act...
    Author: Patricia L. Roberts
Ages 4-8 05/1998
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4. Children's Nonfiction for Adult Information Needs: An Annotated Bibliogr...
    Author: Rosemarie Riechel
(Unknown)  06/1998
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5. Learning About...the Civil War: Literature and Other Resources for Young...
    Author: Elaine C. Stephens, Jean E. Brown
Ages 9-12 04/1998
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6. Language Arts and Environmental Awareness: 100+ Integrated Books and Act...
    Author: Patricia L. Roberts
(Unknown)  01/1998
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7. Learning About-- The Civil War: Literature and Other Resources for Young...
    Author: Elaine C. Stephens, Jean E. Brown
Ages 4-8 05/1998
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