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J.P. Lippincott

J.P. Lippincott is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by J.P. Lippincott include The Glass Slipper, Tom's Midnight Garden, Banner in the Sky, and Wheel on the Chimney.

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Updated 2/9/2005

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 17 of 17     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Scary Stories to Tell (Paperback)
    Author: Alvin Schwartz
Ages 9-12 10/1981
1,879 Reviews  
2. The Secret Garden (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
    Illustrator: Tasha Tudor
(Unknown)  10/1985
30,570 Reviews  
3. Tom's Midnight Garden (Hardcover)
    Author: Philippa Pearce
Ages 9-12 07/1984
318 Reviews  
4. Wheel on the Chimney (Hardcover)
    Author: Margaret Wise Brown, TIBOR GERGELY
Ages 9-12 04/1985
39 Reviews  
5. Banner in the Sky (Hardcover)
    Author: James Ramsey Ullman
(Unknown)  01/1954
653 Reviews  
6. Doctor Dolittle Boxed Set (6 books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Hugh Lofting
(Unknown)  /1956
1 Reviews  
7. Striped Ice Cream (Hardcover)
    Author: Joan M. Lexau
Ages 4-8 10/1987
67 Reviews  
8. Wilderness Champion: The Story of a Great Hound (Hardcover)
    Author: Joseph Lippincott
    Illustrator: Paul Bransom
Ages 4-8 10/1987
22 Reviews  
9. The Sneeze (Paperback)
    Author: David Lloyd
(Unknown)  01/1986
2 Reviews  
10. The Glass Slipper (Hardcover)
    Author: Eleanor Farjeon
(Unknown)  01/1986
53 Reviews  
11. Year W/O Santa Claus (Hardcover)
    Author: Phyllis McGinley
    Illustrator: Kurt Werth
(Unknown)  09/1981
3 Reviews  
12. Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's magic (Hardcover)
    Author: Betty Bard MacDonald
(Unknown)  /1992
2 Reviews
13. Matthew Looney's Invasion of the Earth: A Space Story (Paperback)
    Author: Jerome Beatty
(Unknown)  /1985
2 Reviews  
14. Pop's Secret (Hardcover)
    Author: Maryann Townsend
(Unknown)  /1985
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15. Doctor Dolittle's Garden (Hardcover)
    Author: Hugh Lofting
(Unknown)  01/01/1953
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16. Queechy (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Susan Warner
(Unknown)  /1859
1 Reviews  
17. The Secret Life of Hardware: A Science Experiment Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Vicki Cobb
    Illustrator: Bill Morrison
Ages 9-12 10/1987
2 Reviews  
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