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John Knox Press

John Knox Press is a book publisher. Some of the books published by John Knox Press include Jesus and the children: Biblical resources for study and preaching, Sense of discovery: the mountain, Worship and conduct songs for beginners and primaries: For use in the church school : Sunday session, week day session, vacation session and the home, and Lisa's spring baby.

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Updated 2/9/2005

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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Jesus and the children: Biblical resources for study and preaching (Pape...
    Author: Hans Ruedi Weber
(Unknown)  01/01/1994
1 Reviews  
2. Sense of discovery: the mountain (Hardcover)
    Author: Nancy Roberts
(Unknown)  /1969
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3. Worship and conduct songs for beginners and primaries: For use in the ch...
    Author: Elizabeth McEwen Shields
(Unknown)  /1929
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4. Lisa's spring baby. (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Eleanor Riggins. Nellist, Betty Gayhart, Brawley
(Unknown)  /1969
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5. Sense of discovery: the mountain (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Nancy Roberts
(Unknown)  /1969
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6. We remember Jesus (Exploring life series. Ages 7-12, pt. 2) (Unknown Bin...
    Author: Louise Ephraim
(Unknown)  /1972
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7. To make men free: Teacher's course guide (Covenant life curriculum) (Unk...
    Author: Katherine Paterson
(Unknown)  /1973
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8. A Son is given (Unknown Binding) (Unknown)  /1974
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9. Lisa's spring baby (Hardcover)
    Author: Eleanor Riggins Brawley
(Unknown)  /1969
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10. Reading the Bible at home,: A guide for boys and girls (Unknown Binding)
    Author: S. H Askew
(Unknown)  /1949
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11. Sense of discovery: The mountain (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Nancy Roberts
(Unknown)  /1970
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