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Jodere Group

Jodere Group was created as a unique publishing and multimedia avenue for individuals whose mission it is to positively impact the lives of others. Jodere Group recognizes the strength of an original thought, a kind word and a selfless act - and the power of the individuals who possess them. Thought provoking books.

Main Address: P.O. Box 910147
San Diego CA 92191 USA
Phone: 800-569-1002
Fax: 858-638-8170
Updated 10/28/2006

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Contact Information:Ms. Debbie Luican
Jodere Group
P.O. Box 910147
San Diego CA 92191
[email protected]
Updated 12/8/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 7 of 7     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children (and Adult Indigos, Too!): The P...
    Author: Wayne D. Dosick, Ellen Kaufman Dosick
(Unknown)  09/2004
3 Reviews  
2. Buddha Never Raised Kids & Jesus Didn't Drive Carpool: Seven Principles ...
    Author: Vickie Falcone
(Unknown)  07/2003
20 Reviews  
3. How Men Have Babies: The Pregnant Father's Survival Guide (Paperback)
    Author: Alan Thicke
(Unknown)  06/2003
15 Reviews  
4. Teen Bill of Responsibilities: A Rights & Responsiblilites Workbook (Pap...
    Author: Stephen Smoke
Young Adult 10/2003
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5. Buddha Never Raised Kids & Jesus Didn't Drive Carpool: Seven Principles ...
    Author: Vickie Falcone
(Unknown)  /2003
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6. How Men Have Babies: The Pregnant Father's Survival Guide [Paperback] (U...
    Author: Alan Thicke
(Unknown)  /2003
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7. Spiritually Healing the Indigo Children (and Adult Indigos, Too!): The P...
    Author: Wayne D. Dosick
(Unknown)  /2004
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