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Image is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Image include City of God, Orthodoxy, The Way of Perfection, and The Little Flowers of St. Francis.

Main Address: 1745 Broadway
New York NY 10019 USA
Updated 10/23/2006

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Results 1 - 23 of 23     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Mother Angelica Her Grand Silence: The Last Years and Living Legacy (Kin...
    Author: Raymond Arroyo
(Unknown)  05/17/2016
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2. Mother Angelica Her Grand Silence: The Last Years and Living Legacy (Har...
    Author: Raymond Arroyo
(Unknown)  05/17/2016
57 Reviews  
3. Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Philip Yancey
(Unknown)  01/29/2002
86 Reviews  
4. Replenishing the Earth: Spiritual Values for Healing Ourselves and the W...
    Author: Wangari Maathai
(Unknown)  09/14/2010
1 Reviews
5. The Way of Perfection (Paperback)
    Author: Teresa of Avila
(Unknown)  06/15/1991
25 Reviews  
6. The Practice of the Presence of God (Paperback)
    Author: Brother Lawrence
(Unknown)  09/16/1977
366 Reviews  
7. Orthodoxy (Kindle Edition)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  08/08/2012
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8. Dark Night of the Soul: A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism by ...
    Author: St John of the Cross, E. Allison Peers
(Unknown)  02/01/1959
105 Reviews  
9. City of God (Paperback)
    Author: St. Augustine
(Unknown)  02/01/1958
168 Reviews  
10. A Charmed Life: The Spirituality of Potterworld (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Francis Bridger
(Unknown)  09/17/2002
6 Reviews  
11. The Imitation of Christ (An Image Classic) (Paperback)
    Author: Thomas à Kempis
(Unknown)  09/12/1955
292 Reviews  
12. Orthodoxy (Paperback)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  09/01/2001
390 Reviews  
13. Jesus, His Life and Teachings: As Recorded by His Friends Matthew, Mark,...
    Author: Joseph F. Girzone
(Unknown)  04/18/2000
17 Reviews  
14. Mother Teresa: Beyond The Image (Paperback)
    Author: Anne Sebba
(Unknown)  09/15/1998
11 Reviews  
15. A Charmed Life: The Spirituality of Potterworld (Paperback)
    Author: Francis Bridger
(Unknown)  09/17/2002
19 Reviews  
16. Spawn, #1 (Comic Book) (Comic)
    Author: Todd McFarlane
(Unknown)  /1992
2 Reviews  
17. The Practice of the Presence of God (Paperback)
    Author: John J. Delaney
(Unknown)  02/01/1996
299 Reviews  
18. Orthodoxy (Paperback)
    Author: G. K. Chesterton
(Unknown)  /1959
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19. Camp Midnight (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Steven Seagle
    Illustrator: Jason Katzenstein
(Unknown)  04/27/2016
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20. Camp Midnight: Preview (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Steven Seagle
    Illustrator: Jason Katzenstein
(Unknown)  04/27/2016
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21. Spawn #1 (Comic)
    Author: Todd McFarlane
(Unknown)  06/01/2000
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22. The Savage Dragon (Limited Edition Package Numbered with 4 1st Editions)...
    Author: Erik Larsen
(Unknown)  /1993
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23. Dark Night of the Soul : A Masterpiece in the Literature of Mysticism by...
    Author: St John of the Cross
(Unknown)  01/01/1990
48 Reviews  
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