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Good Books
We specialize in quality cookbooks (including the New York Times bestselling Fix-It And Forget-It Cookbook), books on family and parenting, quilting and decorative arts, biography, fiction, and poetry; one of the foremost publishers of books about Amish and Mennonite life and thought; a line of quality children's books, as well as a line of exquisite and highly acclaimed Children's Bibles for various age groups. .
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: religion
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P.O. Box 419 Intercourse PA 17534 USA | Phone: 800-762-7171 |
Fax: 888-768-3433 | ||
Updated 9/29/2008 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: Query with SASE - Publisher: Merle Good; Senior Editor and Phyllis Pellman Good | ||
Contact Information: | Good Books P.O. box 419 Intercourse PA 17534 | Phone: Fax: | 800-762-7171 888-768-3433 |
Updated 10/18/2005 |