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Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A.

Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A. is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A. include !Como molo!, La estancia azul, Esmond en la India, and Caperucita Roja.

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Updated 2/1/2005

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 10 of 10     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. El amor, las mujeres y la vida (Paperback)
    Author: Mario Benedetti
(Unknown)  01/28/2009
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2. !Como molo! (Otra de Manolito Gafotas) (Paperback)
    Author: Elvira Lindo
(Unknown)  /2004
2 Reviews  
3. Carlos (llegada de un hermanito) (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Ivar Da Coll
(Unknown)  /2009
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4. Amanecer (Ed Especial Tapa Dura) (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Stephanie H. Meyer
(Unknown)  /2008
40,951 Reviews  
5. Judy Moody salva el planeta (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Megan (1959- ); Rozarena, P. (1927- ) (trad.) Reynolds, Peter (1961- ) (il.) McDonald
(Unknown)  04/01/2009
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6. Caperucita Roja (Paperback)
    Author: Luis Maria Pescetti
(Unknown)  /2000
1 Reviews  
7. !Julieta, estate quieta! (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Rosemary Wells
(Unknown)  /2008
3 Reviews  
8. Rebeldes (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: S. E. Hinton
(Unknown)  09/01/1995
47,376 Reviews  
9. La estancia azul (The Blue Nowhere) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jeffery Deaver
(Unknown)  05/01/2002
144 Reviews  
10. Esmond en la India (Hardcover)
    Author: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
(Unknown)  03/15/2002
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