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EDC Publications

Usborne is developing its fiction list and we are looking for new talent to join this expanding area of our publishing program. Across the range we will be looking for innovative, exciting, original and above all child-centered stories that will capture children's imagination and engender a love of reading. We are looking for stories that are easily accessible to children, that speak directly to the child and are highly readable. We look for strong plots that are exciting and page-turning; memorable characters and fresh, exciting voices. We are interested in strong series ideas, lots of humor and illustration where appropriate, and books that will appeal to both boys and girls.

Main Address: Usborne Publishing 83-85 Saffron Hill
London EC1N 8RT UK
Updated 3/19/2006

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Contact Information: Fiona Patchett
EDC Publications
Usborne Publishing 83-85 Saffron Hill
London UK EC1N 8RT


Updated 3/19/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The First Thousand Words in French (Hardcover) (Unknown)  06/1979
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2. Robots (World of the Future) (Library Binding)
    Author: Kenneth William Gatland
(Unknown)  06/1979
1 Reviews  
3. Story of Heidi (Young Reading Series 2) (Paperback) (Unknown)  04/1987
2 Reviews  
4. The Knowhow Book of Spycraft (Know How Books) (Paperback)
    Author: Falcon Travis, Judy Hindley
Baby−PreK 05/1988
3 Reviews  
5. Mysteries and Marvels of Bird Life (Mysteries & Marvels) (Library Binding)
    Author: Ian Wallace, Rob Hume
(Unknown)  06/1985
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6. On the Farm (School & Library Binding) (Unknown)  04/1986
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7. Mysteries and Marvels of Insect Life (Mysteries & Marvels) (Library Bind...
    Author: Jennifer Owen
(Unknown)  06/1985
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8. Mysteries and Marvels of the Reptile World (Mysteries & Marvels) (Librar...
    Author: Ian F. Spellerberg, M. McKercher
(Unknown)  06/1985
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9. The Colors Book (Library Binding)
    Author: Angela Wilkes, Colin King
(Unknown)  07/1979
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10. First Thousand Words in German (Hardcover) (Unknown)  06/1979
31 Reviews  
11. First Thousand Words in Spanish (Hardcover) (Unknown)  06/1979
41 Reviews  
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