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Eastern Washington University Press

The Eastern Washington University Press publishes innovative works that possess freshness in language and theme. The Press publishes books in four major areas: contemporary literature; literature in translation; academic and scholarly works, and non-fiction.

Main Address: 534 E. Spokane Falls Blvd. Suite 203
Spokane WA 99202 USA
Phone: (509) 368-6574
Fax: (509) 368-6596
Updated 2/9/2009

While JacketFlap strives to maintain up-to-date information, we recommend that you contact the publisher using the information here to confirm that the contact information is current. If you have more up-to-date information, please click the Edit or Add links on this page to edit this publisher's information and earn points, which you can redeem for Amazon.com or BookSense gift certificates.

Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
Query letters should be concise, and can include a table of contents and several chapters. A book proposal would be longer and provide d... More
Contact Information:
Eastern Washington University Press
705 West First Avenue
Spokane WA 99201

(509) 623-4286

(509) 623-4283
Updated 10/18/2005
Contact Information:
Acquisitions Editor
Eastern Washington University Press
705 West First Avenue
Spokane WA 99201

(509) 623-4286

(509) 623-4283
Updated 2/13/2007
Contact Information:Mr. Christopher Howell
Senior Editor Literary Acquisitions
Eastern Washington University Press
534 E. Spokane Falls Blvd. Suite 203
Spokane WA 99202
[email protected]
(509) 368-6593
Updated 11/16/2007
Non-Fiction Submissions
Contact Information:Mr. Ivar Nelson
Acquisitions Editor nonfiction
Eastern Washington University Press
534 E. Spokane Falls Blvd. Suite 203
Spokane WA 99202
[email protected]

(509) 623-4286

(509) 623-4283
Updated 11/16/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 6 of 6     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Ayat Jamilah: Beautiful Signs: A Treasury of Islamic Wisdom for Children...
    Author: Sarah Conover, Freda Crane
    Illustrator: Valerie Wahl
Ages 9-12 06/30/2004
15 Reviews  
2. Kindness: A Treasury of Buddhist Wisdom for Children and Parents (Little...
    Author: Sarah Conover
    Illustrator: Valerie Wahl
Ages 9-12 10/31/2000
44 Reviews  
3. If Rock and Roll Were a Machine: A Novel (Paperback)
    Author: Terry Davis
Young Adult 03/2003
16 Reviews  
4. Sue�an, lloran, cantan / They Dream, They Cry, They Sing: Poems for Chil...
    Author: Perry Higman
(Unknown)  01/01/1998
2 Reviews  
5. Suenan. Lloran. Cantan. They Dream. They Cry. They Sing: Poems for Child...
    Author: Perry Higman
(Unknown)  06/1999
2 Reviews  
6. The Prince and the Salmon People: A Tale (Paperback)
    Author: Claire Rudolf Murphy
    Illustrator: Duane Pasco
Ages 9-12 11/30/2002
1 Reviews  
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