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Dove Books

Dove Books is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Dove Books include Daddy Day, Daughter Day, Alice in Wonderland: Including Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-glass, Only One: Becoming a Giant Panda, and Punxsutawney Phil and His Weather Wisdom.

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Updated 1/31/2005

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 31     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Quite Remarkable Adventures of the Owl and the Pussycat (Hardcover)
    Author: Edward Lear, Idle Eric
    Illustrator: Wesla Weller
Ages 9-12 10/1996
4 Reviews  
2. The Art of War (Hardcover)
    Author: Stefan Rudnicki, Sun-tzu
(Unknown)  06/1996
14,932 Reviews  
3. Alice in Wonderland: Including Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Thro...
    Author: Lewis Carroll
(Unknown)  05/1999
15,358 Reviews  
4. Daddy Day, Daughter Day (Hardcover)
    Author: Larry King, Chaia King
    Illustrator: Wendy Christensen
Ages 4-8 04/01/1997
2 Reviews  
5. Megan's Two Houses: A Story of Adjustment (Hardcover)
    Author: Erica Jong
    Illustrator: Freya Tanz
Ages 4-8 09/1996
2 Reviews  
6. The Adventures of Little Nettie Windship (Hardcover)
    Author: Brian Russell, Cheryl Ladd
    Illustrator: Ezra N. Tucker, Nancy Krause
Baby−PreK 09/1996
1 Reviews  
7. The Long Journey of the Little Seed (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Reiner
    Illustrator: Annie Reiner
Ages 4-8 10/1996
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8. Powers That Be (Hardcover)
    Author: Ann Scarborough, Anne McCaffrey, Douglas Adams
(Unknown)  11/1994
11 Reviews  
9. Patsy's Paste Palace (Hardcover)
    Author: Phyllis Hofberg, Lisa Galipeau
Ages 4-8 04/1997
2 Reviews  
10. Barkley Unleashed: A Pirate's Tail (Hardcover)
    Author: Burt Reynolds, Victoria Preminger
    Illustrator: Antonia Zehler
(Unknown)  12/1997
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11. Megan's Two Houses (Hardcover)
    Author: Erica Jong
Ages 4-8 09/1996
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12. Only One: Becoming a Giant Panda (Hardcover)
    Author: Julia Spencer Moutran
    Illustrator: Wendy Chang
Baby−PreK 04/1997
1 Reviews  
13. Santasaurus (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Sheldon
    Illustrator: Bartt Warburton, Rick Penn-Kraus
Ages 4-8 10/1996
1 Reviews  
14. Snow White (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Hack
Ages 4-8 10/1995
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15. Santasaurus (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Sheldon
Ages 4-8 10/1996
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16. Big Galoot (A Dove Kids Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Shadoe Stevens
Ages 9-12 05/1998
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17. Daddy Day, Daughter Day [Hardcover] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Larry King
(Unknown)  /1997
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18. Dracula/Audio Cassettes (Audio Cassette) (Unknown)  08/1992
702 Reviews  
19. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Audio Cassette)
    Author: Douglas Adams
(Unknown)  10/1995
8,578 Reviews  
20. Zebra Jokes: Lift a Flap (Flap-Up Stand-Up Joke Books) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Frances Cony
Ages 4-8 10/1996
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21. Adventures of Drippy: The Runaway Raindrop (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Sheldon, Sidney Sheldon
Ages 4-8 09/1996
3 Reviews  
22. The Long Goodbye/Audio Cassettes/20214 (Audio Cassette) (Unknown)  06/1987
98 Reviews  
23. Giraffe Jokes! (Flap-Up Stand-Up Joke Books) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Frances Cony
Ages 4-8 10/1996
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24. Elephant Jokes! (Flap-Up Stand-Up Joke Books) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Frances Cony
Ages 4-8 10/1996
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25. The Poems of Emily Dickinson (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Emily Dickinson
(Unknown)  02/1995
19 Reviews  
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