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Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia (Paperbac...
    By Jean Sasson
N/A 9/24/2009
Historian said: While strolling through the bookstore, Starbucks in hand, I wandered around trying to find a new book. I just wasn't in the mood for anything. I was about to get a great classic or a historical fiction novel when I decided to walk on a fluffier side. I say "fluffier" because this book has been challenged as not being true. it's also more of a diary of a princess in Saudi than anything else. There is no historical value in the book. Basically a commentary on how women are treated in Saudi through the look at the life of Princess Sultana. This is a very easy read. So easy, I read it in one night. It was really that interesting and flowed that well. I truly wanted to know what was going to happen next like someone watching a reality tv show who cannot wait for the next episode. It is not is not a classic...nor is it truly a biography. However, it catches your interest and holds it.
tags: I read
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