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Cumberland House Publishing

Cumberland House Publishing does not publish poetry, short stories, western fiction or children's books. Interested in books on current affairs, sports, cooking, and holidays.

Main Address: 431 Harding Industrial Drive
Nashville TN 37211
Phone: 615.832.1171
Fax: 615.832.0633
Updated 8/15/2005

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Cumberland House Publishing
431 Harding Industrial Drive
Nashville TN 37211


Updated 12/7/2006
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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 60     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Mildred Keith (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 07/19/2001
16 Reviews  
2. Mildred at Roselands (Mildred Keith) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 08/19/2001
12 Reviews  
3. Walter Payton: Football's Sweetest Superstar (Great American Sports Lege...
    Author: Mike Towle
Ages 9-12 08/01/2005
9 Reviews  
4. Best Little Ironies, Oddities & Mysteries of the Civil War (Paperback)
    Author: C. Brian Kelly, Ingrid Smyer-Kelly, C. Kelly
Ages 4-8 11/01/2000
7 Reviews  
5. Your Child's Heart: Building Strong Character and a Lasting Faith (Paper...
    Author: Terry Glaspey
(Unknown)  10/20/2000
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6. Elsie Dinsmore (The Original Elsie Classics, Book One) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 03/01/2000
426 Reviews  
7. Elsie's Girlhood, Book 3 (Elsie Books) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 04/01/2000
44 Reviews  
8. Mildred at Home (Mildred Keith) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 10/19/2001
2 Reviews  
9. Mildred's Married Life - Book 4 (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 09/2001
2 Reviews  
10. Mildred and Elsie (Mildred Keith) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 09/19/2001
3 Reviews  
11. Mildred's Boys and Girls (Mildred Keith) (Bk.6) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 11/19/2001
2 Reviews  
12. Thomas Jefferson (American Statesman) (Paperback)
    Author: John T. Morse
(Unknown)  11/01/2004
30 Reviews  
13. Elsie's Womanhood, Book 4 (The Original Elsie Classics Book 4) (Mass Mar...
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 04/01/2000
25 Reviews  
14. Mildred's New Daughter (Mildred Keith) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 11/19/2001
2 Reviews  
15. Elsie Yachting With the Raymond's: Book 16 (The Original Elsie Classics ...
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 9-12 10/2000
13 Reviews  
16. Elsie at Viamede: Book 18 (The Original Elsie Classics Series Volume 18)...
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 9-12 11/2000
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17. The Character of Elsie Dinsmore (Paperback)
    Author: Michael Dante Aprile
Ages 9-12 07/19/2001
1 Reviews  
18. Elsie's Vacation (The Original Elsie Classics Series Volume 17) (Mass Ma...
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 9-12 11/2000
1 Reviews  
19. Elsie at Ion: Book 19 (Elsie Dinsmore: the Original Elsie Classics) (Mas...
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 4-8 02/2001
11 Reviews  
20. Children of the Night: Stories of Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves, and Lost...
    Illustrator: Becky Brauner
(Unknown)  09/01/1999
1 Reviews  
21. Christmas With Grandma Elsie (The Original Elsie Classics, Book 14) (Bk....
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 9-12 10/2000
14 Reviews  
22. Elsie at the Raymonds: Book 15 (The Original Elsie Classics Series Volum...
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 9-12 10/2000
13 Reviews  
23. Elsie's Motherhood, Book 5 (Original Elsie Classics) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 05/01/2000
22 Reviews  
24. Elsie's Young Folks (The Original Elsie Classics) (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Finley
Ages 4-8 05/2001
3 Reviews  
25. Elsie's Holidays at Roselands, Book 2 (Original Elsie Classics) (Mass Ma...
    Author: Martha Finley
Young Adult 03/01/2000
47 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)