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Crossway Books

Good News & Crossway Publishers is a not-for-profit Christian ministry and exists soley for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel through publishing and all other means in order, by God's grace to bring men, women and children to Christ as their Lord and Savior. Imprints: Crossway Bibles, Good News Publishers

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: reigious, Christian, bible

Main Address: 1300 Crescent St.
Wheaton Il 60187 USA
Phone: 630-682-4300
Fax: 630-682-4785
Updated 11/28/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: May only be sent by agent! Query witth sample work and SASE
Contact Information:Ms. Jill Carter
Editorial Administrator
Crossway Books
1300 Crescent St.
Wheaton Il 60187
[email protected]


Updated 11/29/2006
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy: Query with sample work
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 492     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. You Are Special (Tenth Anniversary Limited Edition) (Max Lucado's Wemmic...
    Author: Max Lucado
    Illustrator: Sergio Martinez
Ages 4-8 08/17/2007
2,274 Reviews  
2. The Big Picture Story Bible (Book with CD) (Hardcover)
    Author: David Helm
Ages 9-12 11/18/2010
364 Reviews  
3. My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan Hunt
    Illustrator: Yvette Banek
(Unknown)  07/01/1998
153 Reviews  
4. You Are Special (Max Lucado's Wemmicks) (Hardcover)
    Author: Max Lucado
    Illustrator: Sergio Martinez
Ages 4-8 06/30/1997
1,652 Reviews  
5. ESV Value Church and Pew Bible (Black) (Hardcover)
    Author: Not Available (NA)
(Unknown)  06/09/2010
1,018 Reviews  
6. You Are Mine (Max Lucado's Wemmicks) (Hardcover)
    Author: Max Lucado
    Illustrator: Sergio Martinez
Ages 4-8 07/18/2001
142 Reviews  
7. This Present Darkness (Paperback)
    Author: Frank Peretti
(Unknown)  06/26/2003
3,114 Reviews  
8. Christmas Carols for Kid's Heart (Hymns for a Kid's Heart, Vol. 3) (Hard...
    Author: Bobbie Wolgemuth, Joni Eareckson Tada
    Illustrator: Sergio Martinez
(Unknown)  10/28/2004
6 Reviews  
9. ESV Journaling Bible (Mocha, Threshold Design) (Bonded Leather)
    Author: Crossway Books
(Unknown)  06/12/2008
1,595 Reviews  
10. The One Year Bible: The entire English Standard Version arranged in 365 ...
    Author: Crossway Bibles
(Unknown)  10/05/2005
2,446 Reviews  
11. ESV Value Thinline Bible (TruTone, Midnight, Flame Design) (Imitation Le...
    Author: Not Available (NA)
(Unknown)  04/14/2010
1,493 Reviews  
12. ESV Seek and Find Bible (Hardcover)
    Author: Crossway Bibles
Ages 4-8 10/27/2010
71 Reviews  
13. ESV Compact Bible (TruTone, Chestnut, Diamond Design) (Imitation Leather) (Unknown)  06/04/2009
1,369 Reviews  
14. This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness (Hardcover)
    Author: Frank Peretti
(Unknown)  08/07/2000
289 Reviews  
15. Because I Love You (Hardcover)
    Author: Max Lucado
    Illustrator: Mitchell Heinze
Ages 4-8 02/03/1999
155 Reviews  
16. The Door in the Dragon's Throat (The Cooper Kids Adventure Series #1) (P...
    Author: Frank Peretti
Ages 9-12 07/14/2004
135 Reviews  
17. The Toddler's ABC Bible Storybook (Hardcover)
    Author: Carolyn Larsen
    Illustrator: Caron Turk
Ages 4-8 12/29/2006
10 Reviews  
18. ESV Thinline Bible, TruTone, Charcoal, Celtic Cross Design, Red Letter ...
    Author: Crossway Bibles, English Standard
(Unknown)  10/13/2004
3,259 Reviews  
19. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Classic Pew and Worship Editio... (Unknown)  12/17/2003
541 Reviews  
20. Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God (Hard...
    Author: Susan Hunt, Richie Hunt
    Illustrator: Nancy Munger
Baby−PreK 08/30/1999
80 Reviews  
21. If Only I Had a Green Nose (Max Lucado's Wemmicks) (Hardcover)
    Author: Max Lucado
    Illustrator: Sergio Martinez
Ages 4-8 04/26/2002
101 Reviews  
22. Fool Moon Rising (Hardcover)
    Author: Kristi Fluharty
    Illustrator: Kristi Fluharty
Ages 4-8 08/25/2009
46 Reviews  
23. The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, Journaling Bible (Original, Bl...
    Author: Not Available (NA)
(Unknown)  06/13/2006
881 Reviews  
24. Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God ...
    Author: Bruce A. Ware
(Unknown)  03/31/2009
106 Reviews  
25. ESV Thinline Bible, Premium Bonded Leather, Black (Bonded Leather)
    Author: Crossway Bibles
(Unknown)  06/07/2002
831 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)