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Critical Thinking Books & Software

Critical Thinking Books & Software is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Critical Thinking Books & Software include Word Roots Level A: Learning the Building Blocks of Spelling and Vocabulary, A Case of Red Herrings: Solving Mysteries through Critical Questioning, Book B2, Mind Benders Grades 7-12 Book B-2: Deductive Thinking Skills, and Whatcha-Macallits: Critical Thinking Activities to Improve Writing Skills.

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Updated 1/31/2005

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Results 1 - 7 of 7     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Word Roots Level A: Learning the Building Blocks of Spelling and Vocabu...
    Author: Cher Blanchard, No longer available from Amazon
Ages 4-8 03/15/2002
3 Reviews  
2. Mind Benders Grades 7-12 Book B-2: Deductive Thinking Skills (Paperback)
    Author: Anita Harnadek
Young Adult 06/01/2000
2 Reviews  
3. A Case of Red Herrings: Solving Mysteries through Critical Questioning, ...
    Author: Thomas Camilli
(Unknown)  /1993
1 Reviews  
4. Algebra Magic Tricks: Algecadabra, Vol. 2 (Paperback)
    Author: Ronald Edwards
(Unknown)  04/1994
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5. Whatcha-Macallits: Critical Thinking Activities to Improve Writing Skill...
    Author: Michael Baker, Bonnie Baker, Elizabeth Korver, Gaeirth Dietrich, Michael Baker; Gaeirth Dietrich; Elizabeth Korver; Bonnie Baker
Ages 4-8 04/01/1991
1 Reviews  
6. Developing Higher Order Thinking in the Content Areas K-12 (Paperback)
    Author: Fran O'Tuel, Ruth K. Bullard
(Unknown)  04/01/1993
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7. Developing higher order thinking in the content areas, K-12 (Unknown Bin...
    Author: Fran O'Tuel
(Unknown)  /1993
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