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Children's Book Press

Founded in 1975, Children’s Book Press is a nonprofit independent publisher that promotes cooperation and understanding through multicultural and bilingual literature, offering children a sense of their culture, history and importance. Children’s Book Press is the only nonprofit, independent press in the country focused on publishing first voice literature for children by and about people from the Latino, African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Native American communities. We promote lived and shared experiences of cultures who have been historically under-represented or misrepresented in children’s literature while also focusing on promoting inter-cultural and cross-cultural awareness for children of all backgrounds. Children’s Book Press literature provide tools that help build healthy children, families, and thriving communities for generations to come.

Main Address: 965 Mission St. Suite 425
San Francisco CA 94103 USA
Phone: 415-543-2665
Fax: 415-543-3395
Updated 9/10/2009

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
At this time, Children’s Book Press publishes picture books that feature Latino/Chicano, African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Nat... More
Contact Information:
Children's Book Press
965 Mission St. Suite 425
San Francisco CA 94103
Updated 9/15/2009
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy:
Send color photocopies, one sheets, or postcards (include the address of your online portfolio if you have one). Do not under any circum... More
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 208     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Olinguito, de La A a la Z!/Olinguito, from A to Z! (Hardcover)
    Author: Lulu Delacre
    Illustrator: Lulu Delacre
(Unknown)  02/15/2016
65 Reviews  
2. Friends from the Other Side / Amigos del otro lado (Paperback)
    Author: Gloria Anzaldua
    Illustrator: Consuelo Mendez
Ages 4-8 06/03/1997
38 Reviews  
3. From North to South: Del Norte al Sure (Paperback)
    Author: Rene Colato Lainez
    Illustrator: Joe Cepeda
(Unknown)  04/01/2013
54 Reviews  
4. Family Pictures, 15th Anniversary Edition / Cuadros de Familia, Edici�n ...
    Author: Carmen Lomas Garza
    Illustrator: Carmen Lomas Garza
Ages 4-8 03/10/2005
89 Reviews  
5. Rainbow Weaver/Tejedora del Arcoiris (Hardcover)
    Author: Linda Elovitz Marshall
    Illustrator: Elisa Chavarri
(Unknown)  10/15/2016
63 Reviews  
6. Honoring Our Ancestors: Stories and Paintings by Fourteen Artists (Hardc...
    Author: Harriet Rohmer
Ages 4-8 01/21/1999
10 Reviews  
7. In My Family/En mi familia (Paperback)
    Author: Carmen Lomas Garza
Ages 4-8 02/17/2000
95 Reviews  
8. I Remember "121" (Hardcover)
    Author: Francine Haskins
Ages 4-8 06/26/1997
3 Reviews  
9. Atariba & Niguayona: A Story from the Taino People of Puerto Rico (Tales...
    Author: Harriet Rohmer, Guerrero Rea Jesus
    Illustrator: Consuelo Mendez Castillo
Ages 4-8 09/1987
6 Reviews  
10. Los Perros Magicos de Los Volcanes / Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes (Hardco...
    Author: Manlio Argueta
    Illustrator: Elly Simmons
Ages 4-8 11/1990
14 Reviews  
11. A Man Called Raven (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Van Camp
Ages 4-8 06/11/1997
9 Reviews  
12. Lakas and the Manilatown Fish/Si Lakas at ang Isdang Manilatown (Hardcover)
    Author: Anthony D. Robles, Eloisa D. de Jesus
    Illustrator: Carl Angel
Ages 4-8 03/2003
22 Reviews  
13. Baby Rattlesnake (Paperback)
    Author: Te Ata
    Illustrator: Mira Reisberg
Ages 4-8 03/06/2006
64 Reviews  
14. Making Magic Windows: Creating Cut-Paper Art With Carmen Lomas Garza (Pa...
    Author: Carmen Lomas Garza
(Unknown)  01/25/1999
9 Reviews  
15. The Adventures of Connie and Diego / Las aventuras de Connie y Diego (Ha...
    Author: Maria Garcia
    Illustrator: Malaquias Montoya
Ages 4-8 02/1987
2 Reviews  
16. Magic Dogs of the Volcanoes/Los perros magicos de los volcanos (Paperback)
    Author: Manlio Argueta
    Illustrator: Elly Simmons
Ages 4-8 06/03/1997
14 Reviews  
17. La mujer que brillaba a�n m�s que el sol / The Woman Who Outshone the Su...
    Author: Martinez
Ages 4-8 05/30/1997
36 Reviews  
18. I See the Rhythm (Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award Winner) (Hardcover)
    Author: Toyomi Igus
    Illustrator: Michele Wood
Ages 4-8 02/11/1998
49 Reviews  
19. Nine-in-One, Grr! Grr! (Paperback)
    Author: Cathy Spagnoli
    Illustrator: Nancy Hom
Ages 4-8 06/04/1997
22 Reviews  
20. In My Family / En mi familia (Hardcover)
    Author: Carmen Lomas Garza
Ages 4-8 06/03/1997
79 Reviews  
21. What's the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About Horses? (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Van Camp
    Illustrator: George Littlechild
Ages 4-8 03/2003
34 Reviews  
22. Laughing Tomatoes: And Other Spring Poems / Jitomates Risuenos: Y Otros ...
    Author: Francisco X. Alarcon
    Illustrator: Maya Christina Gonzalez
Ages 4-8 03/10/2005
41 Reviews  
23. Cooper's Lesson (Hardcover)
    Author: Sun Yung Shin
    Illustrator: Kim Cogan
Ages 4-8 01/16/2004
10 Reviews  
24. El sombrero del t�o Nacho / Uncle Nacho's Hat (Paperback)
    Author: Harriet Rohmer
    Illustrator: Mira Reisberg
Ages 4-8 06/03/1997
18 Reviews  
25. Kiki's Journey (Hardcover)
    Author: Kristy Orona-Ramirez
    Illustrator: Jonathan Warm Day
Ages 4-8 06/23/2006
27 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)

My Papa Diego and Me / Mi papá Diego y yo is a bilingual ...