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Charles Scribner's & Sons

Charles Scribner's & Sons is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Charles Scribner's & Sons include The Last of the Mohicans, Cross Creek, Dictionary of the Middle Ages, and A Woggle of Witches.

Main Address: P.O. Box 9187
Farmington Hills MI 48333-9187 USA
Phone: (800) 877-4253
Fax: (800) 414-5043
Updated 1/17/2007

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Results 1 - 25 of 2,786     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Stone Soup (Hardcover)
    Author: Marcia Brown
    Illustrator: Marcia Brown
Ages 4-8 01/01/1947
456 Reviews  
2. The Body Farm (Hardcover)
    Author: Patricia Cornwell
(Unknown)  09/12/1994
442 Reviews  
3. The Great Gatsby (Paperback)
    Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Unknown)  /1953
25 Reviews
4. The Great Gatsby (Scribner Classic) (Paperback)
    Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Unknown)  01/01/1953
93,927 Reviews  
5. Cruel and Unusual (Hardcover)
    Author: Patricia Cornwell
(Unknown)  06/10/1993
378 Reviews  
6. Tender Is the Night (Hardcover)
    Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Unknown)  06/10/1996
3,317 Reviews  
7. Thin Red Line (Hardcover)
    Author: James Jones
(Unknown)  06/1962
210 Reviews  
8. Wires and Watts: Understanding and Using Electricity (Wires & Watts Rb) ...
    Author: Irwin Math
Young Adult 06/1981
3 Reviews  
9. Old Man and the Sea (Hardcover)
    Author: Ernest Hemingway
(Unknown)  09/1977
42,028 Reviews  
10. The (American) Presidents: A Reference History (Library Binding) (Unknown)  08/16/2002
3 Reviews  
11. The Great Gatsby (Hardcover)
    Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Unknown)  /1953
25 Reviews
12. The Mysterious Island (Scribner's Illustrated Classics) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth
Young Adult 11/30/1988
1,890 Reviews  
13. Another celebrated dancing bear (Paperback)
    Author: Gladys Scheffrin-Falk
(Unknown)  /1991
2 Reviews  
14. Cry the Beloved Country (Hardcover) (Unknown)  /1948
3 Reviews
15. The Last of the Mohicans (Scribner's Illustrated Classics) (Hardcover)
    Author: James Fenimore Cooper
    Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth
Young Adult 10/31/1986
1,597 Reviews  
16. Young Cowboy: Arranged from "Big Enough" and "Sun Up" (Hardcover)
    Author: Will James
(Unknown)  /1935
Add Review       
17. Kidnapped (Scribner's Illustrated Classics) (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
    Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth
Young Adult 08/01/1982
2,661 Reviews  
18. The Sun Also Rises (Hardcover)
    Author: Ernest Hemingway
(Unknown)  /1954
5 Reviews
19. Dictionary of the Middle Ages, Vol. 7: Italian Renaissance - Mabinogi (H... (Unknown)  06/1986
1 Reviews  
20. A Child's Garden of Verses (Scribner's Illustrated Classics) (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
    Illustrator: Jessie Willcox Smith
Ages 4-8 08/01/1992
952 Reviews  
21. Postmortem (Hardcover)
    Author: Patricia Cornwell
(Unknown)  /1990
4,590 Reviews  
22. Concise Dictionary of Scientific Biography (Hardcover) (Unknown)  10/13/2000
3 Reviews  
23. The Great Gatsby (Hardcover)
    Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
    Illustrator: Hal Siegel
(Unknown)  01/01/1953
116,619 Reviews  
24. For Whom the Bell Tolls (The Scribner library) (Paperback)
    Author: Ernest Hemingway
(Unknown)  01/01/1940
8,626 Reviews  
25. The Yearling (Hardcover)
    Author: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
    Illustrator: N. C. Wyeth
Young Adult 10/01/1985
1,776 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)