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Catapulta is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Catapulta include Los fantasmas buscan casa, Nacho en la ducha/ Nacho in the Shower, Nacho viaja con su abuela/Nacho travels with his grandmother, and Manos al telar/ Potholders.

Main Address: Av Donado 4694/98
Buenos Aires 1430 Argentina
Phone: 54 11 4547 2802
Fax: 54 11 4547 2780
Updated 11/7/2007

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Contact Information:Senor Javier Polak
Av Donado 4694/98
Buenos Aires 1430
Updated 11/7/2007
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Results 1 - 17 of 17     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Juegos Con Una Cuerda (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Anne Akers Johnson
(Unknown)  07/2003
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2. El Libro de Las Mil y Una Actividades (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Editores Klutz, Laura Esteve
(Unknown)  12/2003
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3. Pintura Facial (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Klutz Press
(Unknown)  11/2001
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4. Los fantasmas buscan casa (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Rocio Anton, Rocio del Mar Anton
All Ages 11/25/2007
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5. Manos Al Telar (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Barbara Kane
(Unknown)  04/2005
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6. Engranaje Matematico Suma (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Innovative Kids, Kids Innovative
(Unknown)  08/2006
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7. Engranaje Matematico Multiplicacion (Spanish Edition) (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Innovative Kids, Kids Innovative
(Unknown)  08/2006
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8. Pinceladas Magicas (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Editores Klutz
(Unknown)  01/2007
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9. Pulseras Rusticas (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Anne Akers Johnson
Ages 4-8 01/2003
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10. Horquilla Mania (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Marilyn Green
Ages 4-8 07/2003
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11. El Libro del Body Crayon (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Klutz Press
(Unknown)  11/2001
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12. El Fabuloso Libro de Los Munecos de Papel (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Julie Colling, Laura Esteve
(Unknown)  01/2003
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13. Unas Divertidas (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Laura Esteve, Sherri Haab
(Unknown)  01/2003
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14. Ventanas Magicas (Spanish Edition) (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Editores Klutz, Laura Esteve
(Unknown)  12/2003
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15. Limpiapipas Sin Control (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Laura Torres, Michael Sherman
(Unknown)  04/2004
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16. Formas Fantasticas (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Laura Torres
(Unknown)  11/2001
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17. Trenzas Locas (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Anne Akers Johnson
(Unknown)  11/2001
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