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Byron Preiss

Byron Preiss is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Byron Preiss include "Not Now!" Said the Cow, The Earth Is Painted Green: A Garden of Poems About Our Planet, Is Your Teacher an Alien?, and Teen Magazine: Schoolyer Astrology: A Cosmic Guide to 1998 - 1999.

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New York NY USA
Updated 12/11/2010

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Results 1 - 13 of 13     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Earth is Painted Green: A Garden of Poems about Our Planet (Paperback)
    Author: Barbara Brenner
    Illustrator: S. D. Schindler
Ages 4-8 03/2000
4 Reviews  
2. "Not Now!" Said the Cow (Paperback)
    Author: Joanne Oppenheim
    Illustrator: Chris L. Demarest
(Unknown)  /1989
3 Reviews  
3. Is Your Teacher an Alien? (Paperback)
    Author: Bruce Coville, John Pierard, Lisa Meltzer, Larissa Harris
Ages 9-12 12/01/1997
5 Reviews  
4. Invasion the Suit 1 Digest (Virtual Comics the Suit) (Mass Market Paperb...
    Author: D.g. Chichester, Gregory Wright
Young Adult 05/01/1997
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5. Teen Magazine: Schoolyer Astrology: A Cosmic Guide to 1998 - 1999 (Mass ...
    Author: Anne Ruso
Young Adult 09/01/1998
1 Reviews  
6. How to Raise Non Smoking Kids (Paperback)
    Author: Byron Preiss, Robert P. Libbon
(Unknown)  11/01/1997
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7. Amber: The Guns of Avalon, Book One (Paperback)
    Author: Roger Zelazny
(Unknown)  /1996
1 Reviews  
8. From the depths the skul 1 digest (Virtual comics the skul) (Board book)
    Author: Danny Fingeroth
Young Adult 05/01/1997
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9. Dragon School (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Cara Copperman
Ages 4-8 10/01/1997
3 Reviews  
10. When the Creature Strikes the Skul 2 (Virtual Comics the Skul) (Mass Mar...
    Author: Danny Fingeroth
Young Adult 06/01/1997
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11. Lethal Origins the 6 1 Digest (Virtual Comics) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Fabian Nicienza
Young Adult 05/01/1997
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12. She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain (Bank Street Ready-to-Read, Level 1...
    Author: Doris Orgel, Ellen Schecter, Emily Coplon
    Illustrator: Rowan Barnes-Murphy
(Unknown)  08/01/1994
1 Reviews  
13. The SUIT COUNTDOWN DIGEST (Suit, No 2) (Board book)
    Author: D.g. Chichester, Gregory Wright
Young Adult 07/01/1997
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