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Brookfield Reader

We're a small press dedicated to excellence in fiction and non-fiction for children.

Main Address: 137 Peyton Road
Sterling VA 20165-5605
Phone: (888) 389-2741
Updated 8/15/2005

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Brookfield Reader
137 Peyton Road
Sterling VA 20165-5605
(888) 389-2741
Updated 10/18/2005
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 27     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Five Fingered Family (Hardcover)
    Author: Shakta Kaur Khalsa
    Illustrator: Siri-Kartar K. Khalsa
Ages 4-8 05/01/2000
4 Reviews  
2. Jonathan & Papa (Jonathan Adventures) (Board book)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Ages 4-8 04/01/1999
3 Reviews  
3. When Chocolate Milk Moved In (Life in the Fridge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Ken Harvey
    Illustrator: Mary Sue Hermes
Ages 4-8 10/01/2002
6 Reviews  
4. Jonathan Goes to the Doctor (Jonathan Adventures) (Board book)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Baby−PreK 03/01/1998
5 Reviews  
5. Jonathan Goes to the Post Office (Jonathan Adventures) (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Baby−PreK 09/01/1998
2 Reviews  
6. Jonathan Goes to the Grocery Store (Jonathan Adventures) (Board book)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Baby−PreK 03/01/1998
1 Reviews  
7. The Night the Moon Slept (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette, Ward Saunders
    Illustrator: Ward Saunders
Ages 4-8 05/01/2000
2 Reviews  
8. Jonathan Goes to the Library (Jonathan Adventures) (Board book)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
Baby−PreK 03/01/1998
5 Reviews  
9. Jonathan Goes to the Airport (Jonathan Adventures) (Board book)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Baby−PreK 09/01/1998
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10. Jonathan Goes to the Fire Station (Jonathan Adventures) (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
    Illustrator: William J. Moriarty
Baby−PreK 09/01/1998
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11. Blood Runs Deep (Hardcover)
    Author: Roderick Scott Mackey
Young Adult 07/01/2001
1 Reviews  
12. The Eggsters' Story: Why the Chicken Crossed the Road (Life in the Fridg...
    Author: Ken Harvey
    Illustrator: Mayrsue Hermes
Ages 4-8 10/01/2002
1 Reviews  
13. Strike Three! Take Your Base (Paperback)
    Author: Frost Wooldridge
Young Adult 04/01/2001
1 Reviews  
14. Strike Three! Take Your Base (Hardcover)
    Author: Frost Wooldridge
    Illustrator: Pietri Freeman
Young Adult 08/01/2001
1 Reviews  
15. The Snarth Goes to School (Hardcover)
    Author: Tessa Hart, Pietri Freemen, Frank Sergi
Baby−PreK 11/01/2000
1 Reviews  
16. Blood Runs Deep (Paperback)
    Author: Roderick Scott Mackey
Young Adult 07/2001
1 Reviews  
17. The Bugfish Experiment (Hardcover)
    Author: Roderick Scott Mackey, Scott MacKey
Young Adult 10/2002
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18. After the Ashes (Paperback)
    Author: Vincent E. Sescoe
Young Adult 10/2002
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19. The Bugfish Experiment (Paperback)
    Author: Roderick Scott Mackey
Young Adult 10/2002
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20. Jonathan Goes to the Doctor (Baggette, Susan K. Jonathan Adventures.) (H...
    Author: Susan K. Baggette
(Unknown)  /1998
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21. Double Time (Hardcover)
    Author: Vincent E. Sescoe
    Illustrator: Clinton Helms
Young Adult 03/01/2001
5 Reviews  
22. Double Time (Paperback)
    Author: Vincent E. Sescoe
Young Adult 03/01/2001
5 Reviews  
23. The Leftover (Life in the Fridge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Ken Harvey
    Illustrator: Mary Sue Hermes
Ages 9-12 06/2003
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24. The 'Fridge Games (Life in the Fridge) (Hardcover)
    Author: Ken Harvey
    Illustrator: Mary Sue Hermes
Ages 4-8 06/2003
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25. After the Ashes (Hardcover)
    Author: Vincent E. Sescoe
Young Adult 06/2003
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