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Boardwalk Books Inc

(Imprint of Dundurn Press)

Boardwalk Books , acquired in 1995 by Dundurn Press, publishes quality young adult fiction such as Nobody's Child by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch and the Shelby Belgarden Mystery series by Valerie Sherrard. It has also reissued Mary Beacock Fryer's best-selling historical novel Escape.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: young adult fiction

Main Address: 3 Church Street Suite 500
Toronto Ontario M5E 1MZ Canada
Phone: 416-364-4449
Fax: 416-957-1587
Updated 8/15/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: please see website for further details email - [email protected]
Contact Information:
Boardwalk Books Inc
8 Market Street
Toronto Ontario M5E 1M6�
Updated 10/18/2005
Fiction SubmissionsPolicy:
A cover letter A self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough to return your work. Even if you do not want your work returned, please ... More
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Results 1 - 14 of 14     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Escape: Adventures of a Loyalist Family (Paperback)
    Author: Mary Beacock Fryer
Young Adult 09/01/2006
1 Reviews  
2. Deconstructing Dylan (Paperback)
    Author: Lesley Choyce
Ages 9-12 04/01/2006
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3. Sophie's Exile (Paperback)
    Author: Beverley Boissery
Ages 9-12 07/11/2008
1 Reviews  
4. Viking Terror (Paperback)
    Author: Tom Henighan
Young Adult 08/12/2006
4 Reviews  
5. Eyes of a Stalker: A Shelby Belgarden Mystery (Shelby Belgarden Mysterie...
    Author: Valerie Sherrard
Young Adult 09/30/2006
3 Reviews  
6. Sarah's Legacy (Paperback)
    Author: Valerie Sherrard
(Unknown)  04/01/2006
6 Reviews  
7. Fathom Five: The Unwritten Books (Paperback)
    Author: James Bow
(Unknown)  04/30/2007
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8. Speechless (Paperback)
    Author: Valerie Sherrard
All Ages 06/30/2007
11 Reviews  
9. The Ruby Kingdom (Passage to Mythrin) (Paperback)
    Author: Patricia Bow
(Unknown)  02/10/2007
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10. The Unwritten Girl (The Unwritten Books) (Paperback)
    Author: James Bow
(Unknown)  04/01/2006
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11. Sophie's Treason (Paperback)
    Author: Beverley Boissery
Young Adult 11/18/2006
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12. Fathom Five: The Unwritten Books [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: James Bow
(Unknown)  /2007
1 Reviews
13. Viking Terror [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Tom Henighan
(Unknown)  /2006
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14. Demon in My View (Paperback)
    Author: Tom Henighan
(Unknown)  01/20/2007
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