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Black Threads Press

Black Threads Press is a book publisher. A book published by Black Threads Press is This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces.

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Updated 8/22/2009

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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces (Paperback)
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  07/06/2009
29 Reviews  
2. This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces (Kindle ...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  03/10/2010
30 Reviews  
3. How to Self-Publish Your Own Quilt Catalog: A Workbook for Quilters, Gui...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  04/08/2012
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4. Franklin Roosevelt's Postage Stamp Quilt: The Story of Estella Weaver Nu...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  10/02/2012
1 Reviews
5. The Lord's Supper Pattern Book: Imagining Harriet Powers' Lost Bible Sto...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
    Illustrator: Carolyn L. Mazloomi, Elyse Whittaker-Paek
(Unknown)  05/23/2012
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6. The Lord's Supper Pattern Book: Imagining Harriet Powers' Lost Bible Sto...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  11/20/2011
8 Reviews  
7. Franklin Roosevelt's Postage Stamp Quilt: The Story of Estella Weaver Nu...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  08/08/2012
17 Reviews  
8. Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria (Paperback)
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
    Illustrator: Lee Edward Fodi
(Unknown)  10/17/2012
14 Reviews  
9. How to Self-Publish Your Own Quilt Catalog: A Workbook for Quilters, Gui...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  03/16/2012
12 Reviews  
10. This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces [Paperba...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
(Unknown)  /2009
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11. La colcha de Martha Ann para la Reina Victoria (Spanish Edition) (Paperb...
    Author: Kyra E. Hicks
    Illustrator: Lee Edward Födi
(Unknown)  10/31/2012
15 Reviews  
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