Publisher Information
Bellerophon Books
Specializes in children's nonfiction books, including history, art, and literature titles. Bellerophon publishes very inexpensive and exceedingly entertaining art history coloring books for children of all ages!
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: children's fiction, non-fiction, ancient history, animals, black history, civil war, dinosaurs, musical, native american, nautical, western
Main Address: |
P.O. Box 21307 Santa Barbara CA 93121-1307 USA | Phone: 800-253-9943 |
Fax: 805-965-8286 | ||
Updated 11/15/2006 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: please contact publisher before sending work. Email [email protected] | ||
Contact Information: | Bellerophon Books P.O. Box 21307 Santa Barbara CA 93121 | Phone: Fax: | 800-253-9943 805-965-8286 |
Updated 10/18/2005 | |||
Non-Fiction Submissions | Policy: Query with SASE or email - [email protected] |