Publisher Information
4RV Publishing
4RV's motto is "working one on one with authors and artists," and the company does. Accepting submissions for most genre, including children's, middle grades, juvenile, and young adult, as well as most adult genre except graphic sexual or violent content.
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: children's, young adult, mainstream, sports, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi
Main Address: |
PO Box 6482 Edmond Oklahoma 73083 United States | Phone: (405) 820-9640 |
Fax: | ||
Updated 6/16/2008 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: Prefer printed manuscript for first submission. Then if more information is requested, a hard copy and Word document will be wanted. | ||
Illustrator Submissions | Policy: Submit three to five samples of illustrations. | ||
Fiction Submissions | Policy: Submit cover letter, synopsis, and first twenty-five pages. | ||
Non-Fiction Submissions | Policy: For non-fiction, submit cover letter and summary of project with first ten pages. |