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Updates Made by Sarah Quigley

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 2:51:42 PM
Sarah Quigley made friends with RJ McGill

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:02:59 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Blog Tour: Sydney Salter:
Sarah said, "Sydney Salter is a writin’ machine. She released her debut novel last year, the charming  My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters, and the exciting middle grade book, Jungle Crossing. Last month, her third book, Swoon at Your Own Risk, came..." more

Thursday, April 29, 2010 6:51:35 PM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled TMI on the Bank Street List:
Sarah said, "Hurrah! TMI was selected as one of the best books for readers ages 12-14 by the Bank Street College of Education. They review over 6,000 titles each year and select 600 for the list. What an honor to see my book alongside so many splendid..." more

Monday, April 19, 2010 9:43:12 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Manuscript Monday: Do It!:
Sarah said, "This week, instead of writing about writing my book, I’m going to actually do it. Too often, I let myself mess around on teh Interwebz, whining about how hard it is to write. Not today. Today is a day of action. Excuse the pun, but what a..." more

Friday, April 16, 2010 12:03:01 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Writing Sountrack:
Sarah said, "I’ve been asked what kind of music I listen to while writing. I love this question. Occasionally, only total silence will do as I’m concentrating on a scene. Most of the time, though, I’ve got my ear buds in. While writing TMI, I..." more

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 12:10:56 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Writer Wednesday: Carrie Ryan:
Sarah said, "If you didn’t see my post about Carrie Ryan and her take on the writing process, it’s here. Carrie is indeed a wise woman, not to mention an amazing writer. Her first novel, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, came out last year and recently..." more

Monday, April 12, 2010 12:40:06 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Manuscript Monday: Inspiration and Imagination:
Sarah said, "Where do you get your inspiration? This is probably one of the most common questions posed to any author, and it’s one of the hardest to answer. At least for me. While it’s true that I take plenty of my own experiences and twist them..." more

Friday, April 9, 2010 12:50:17 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Blog Tour: Stacey Jay:
Sarah said, "How does Stacey Jay do it? Put out three books in fifteen months? While I have no basis for comparison, that sounds like more work than Irish twins. Last month, I featured Stacey and her latest book, Undead Much? in this post. Well, if you..." more

Monday, April 5, 2010 2:01:37 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Manuscript Monday: You’re still a writer!:
Sarah said, "Week before last, I had the chance to go out to dinner with several young adult authors, including Carrie Ryan. Carrie’s debut novel, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, is now on the New York Times bestseller list. Last month, she released the..." more

Friday, April 2, 2010 12:20:51 PM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Friday Flashback: The Dart:
Sarah said, " My first car was a 1972 Dodge Dart. I bought it with my own money when I was sixteen. It had a brown body and forest green roof. Although its official name was “The Mallard,” I mostly just called it “The Dart.” I also..." more

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 1:12:17 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Writer Wednesday: Natalie Standiford:
Sarah said, " I first heard about Natalie Standiford’s debut novel, How to Say Goodbye in Robot, at a book signing for David Levithan. He was in town promoting his new novel, Love is the Higher Law (which is sitting in my to-be-read pile, screaming,..." more

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 1:21:29 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Manuscript Monday: Scraps:
Sarah said, "I know some of you have been enjoying my Monday lists, but I’m feeling a bit, um, listless about them right now. And since this is my blog and I’ll cry if I want to, I thought I’d explore another topic. Welcome to Manuscript..." more

Friday, March 26, 2010 1:18:58 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Friday Philosophizin’: Still Myself:
Sarah said, "It happened again this morning. I woke up at 4:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep for an hour and a half. Lying in the early morning dark, I felt angry and confused. It’s not like I wanted to rip out a ninety-minute chunk of precious..." more

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:22:54 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Writer Wednesday: Nina LaCour:
Sarah said, " I have a major regret regarding Hold Still. I first heard about it a few months ago, but I was up to my neck in other good reading and figured I’d get to it eventually. Then in January, I had the opportunity to go out for brunch with a bunch..." more

Monday, March 22, 2010 9:12:12 PM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Win a copy of TMI!:
Sarah said, "Awesome author Sydney Salter interviewed me about romantic relationships and is giving away a copy of my book. See her blog for details. Sydney will be stopping by my blog in May as part of the blog tour. See you soon, Sydney!"

Monday, March 22, 2010 12:06:20 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Listless Monday: Stompin’ Mad:
Sarah said, "Things that make me stompin’ mad! 1. Construction work during naptime 2. Spittle on the sidewalk 3. War 4. Clonking my head on things 5. Smokers 6. The loose interpretation of the word “cappuccino” by baristas (Okay, I don’t..." more

Friday, March 19, 2010 10:59:40 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Carving My Own Path:
Sarah said, "Sorry, no Friday Flashback today. I’m ignoring my dark and shameful past today. Just don’t feel like going there. I’m not sure where I feel like going. This new novel is kicking my booty. TMI did, too, but in a different way. So..." more

Monday, March 15, 2010 12:46:46 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Listless Monday: Obsessed:
Sarah said, "Current obsessions 1. The huge bin of homemade chocolate chip cookies in my freezer 2. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains (Go, villains!) 3. How far my new protagonist should go with her boyfriend 4. Removing mold from every stinkin’ corner of my..." more

Friday, March 12, 2010 10:47:44 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Friday Flashback: Not Hot:
Sarah said, "I took an introductory German class in ninth grade and really enjoyed it (the first blossoms of my grammar nerdity). One morning, Herr Mann was giving a lesson about the weather and going over all the relevant vocabulary. I asked for a pass to go to..." more

Sunday, March 7, 2010 1:12:39 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Blog Tour: Stacey Jay:
Sarah said, "Next up on the blog tour is Stacey Jay, whose debut You Are So Undead To Me, was released in January 2009. The sequel, Undead Much?, is out now, and with a title like that, how could you resist? About Undead Much? Even Zombie Settlers with Super..." more

Sunday, February 28, 2010 11:52:28 PM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Listless Monday: Don’t Say It:
Sarah said, "Conversational moments that make me cringe: 1. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but…” I know that what’s coming next isn’t going to be pretty. And to make matters worse, whoever says this is preemptively telling..." more

Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:52:26 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Blog Tour: Erin Dionne:
Sarah said, "Although I haven’t read either of Erin Dionne’s books (but totally want to!), I am impressed by her mad titling skills. I mean, Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies and The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet? Those are some truly..." more

Friday, February 26, 2010 12:22:18 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Friday Flashback: Green Days:
Sarah said, "Sophomore year of high school, I received three pieces of green clothing from Santa: leggings, an oversize turtleneck, and a long, off-the-shoulder sweater. I loved them all and wore them often. I eventually found out through the grapevine that a..." more

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 12:14:16 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Listless Monday Wednesday: Huh?:
Sarah said, "Things I Just Don’t Get 1. Stilettos. I guess they’re supposed to be sexy, but I find it impossible to feel hot when my feet are in a vice grip. 2. Football. I’ve tried, really I have, but all I understand about the game is that..." more

Monday, February 22, 2010 11:40:48 AM
Sarah Quigley wrote a blog post titled Blog Tour: Shani Petroff:
Sarah said, "I’m participating in a blog tour with a bunch of cool authors, so for the next several months, my Writer Wednesday feature will be replaced with interviews from authors who made their writing debut last year and have a second novel coming out..." more