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Updates Made by Mary Bowman-Kruhm

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Jane Goodall on Bill Moyers Journal, PBS:
Mary said, "Michael Winship, senior writer at Bill Moyers Journal on PBS, has written a wonderful article about Jane Goodall and her passion to encourage future generations to steward the earth and its creatures better than we are now. Winship quotes Goodall..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Dr. Donald Johanson's Nat Geo Presentation:
Mary said, "A cold rainy night in Washington, DC, but a warm audience to hear Dr. Donald Johanson's presentation, Lucy's Legacy, at the National Geographic Society. A sell-out audience enjoyed his slides and wide-ranging stories told with a great deal of humor..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled A Well for Jackson's Village:
Mary said, "If you have read some posts on this blog about Jackson, you know he shuttles between two worlds. In one, he guides guests as they enjoy Kenya’s wildlife, in the other he helps his family herd their cattle. Jackson and his wife Susan Nekwama..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Maasai Jewelry by Katy and Philip Leakey:
Mary said, "Jonathan, Richard, and Philip are the three sons of Louis and Mary Leakey. In The Leakeys: A Biography, I wrote about Katy and Philip marketing environmentally friendly jewelry that is “hand made by Maasai women, who have a long tradition of..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Phone call to Jackson:
Mary said, "I have had much difficulty phoning Jackson and, in fact, the last time we actually talked was on the drive to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for the March 2008 trip back to the US. Thank goodness for e-mail! However, I realized I was online..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:22 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Xmas in Maasailand:
Mary said, "I received an e-mail this morning from Jackson, the first in several days. I usually get more frequent e-mails when he is at Siana Springs because his modem makes it easier to connect online there than in his village, but I also knew the camp would..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Thank you, Jon Scieszka:
Mary said, "This is a short post because it deals with nothing Maasai but is definitely appropriate from a children's book writer. I want to thank Jon Scieszka for his work over the past two years as the first Ambassador for Children's Books appointed by the..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Visit to Kenya:
Mary said, "I was excited when my good friend, Mary Fletcher, said she, husband Bob and two daughters, Lauren and Jessica, planned a trip to Kenya, where Mary had been a Peace Corps volunteer when she was younger. I sent Jackson their itinerary and he arranged..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Birth of Jackson's Career:
Mary said, "I am always interested in Jackson's stories about growing up Maasai, so below is a wonderful little story from him (personal correspondence, January 7, 2010), with Birth of my career in the subject line. The tension remains today between cattle..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Links I Like:
Mary said, "If you have checked the Links I Like you see a potpourri and may wonder what ties them together. Really, only the title connects them because all are truly links I like. Blogs by Jackson and Paul Kirui are on life in Kenya's Maasai Mara (Paul..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Busy Toes and Busy Fingers:
Mary said, "Way back on October 17 and 18, 2008, I posted photos of Kathleen and Georgie Liech who live in Nairobi. They were holding Busy Toes, written by Wendie Old and me under the pen name C. W. Bowie. Today I received photos of another young lady, Hope..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Reading books:
Mary said, "A blog about writing a book for middle schoolers and young adults, like this one, is useless without young people who read! My friend and co-author of Busy Fingers and Busy Toes, Wendie Old, has this link on her blog. Ocoee Middle School, Florida,..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled A Lion in a Tree...?:
Mary said, "I received a wonderful e-mail from Jackson. He was driving a family of tourists from Switzerland in the Masai Mara and trying to spot a leopard for his guests. As he looked up at a tree, he thought he saw one and drove towards it. When they got..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled A long time between posts...:
Mary said, "Over two months have passed since my last post and I apologize. I finally had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee, am still having PT and, as two friends who know my lack of patience separately told me, I need a big dose of it for what will be a..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Photos of the Great Migration:
Mary said, "For gorgeous and dramatic photos of what is actually right now happening in Kenya's Masai Mara, see Paul Kirui's website, Masai Mara Updates. Jackson e-mailed that the Great Migration began early this year and Paul has captured stunning..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled How soon we forget....:
Mary said, "I'm used to getting an e-mail every few days from Jackson, telling me whether he is at his village of Oltorotua or at Siana Springs camp. In fact, if we don't hear from each other for several days, we anxiously e-mail the other to ask why. About..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Computer help:
Mary said, "Jackson has been offline for more than a week because of computer problems. Yesterday he made the trip from the Maasai Mara to Nairobi to talk with Hellen (in photo to right) at Elite Computers. I wrote about her November 10, 2009, and her..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Happy b'day., Louis Leakey:
Mary said, "Today would have been Louis Leakey's 103rd birthday. He died in 1972, after an exciting and uniquely full life. Many anthropologists today owe much to him and wife Mary, the one who should be credited as the exacting excavator of their fossil..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled To Blog or Not to Blog!:
Mary said, "Wendie Old and I presented at our regional SCBWI summer conference, where Children's Literature Comprehensive Database handled book sales. CLCD asked if they could put our handout on their blog. Click here and scroll down to August 3, 2010. The..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Jackson's trip to Nairobi:
Mary said, " Way back on July 22 I wrote that I missed receiving an e-mail from Jackson every few days. On July 26 he got off from work and made the trip from Oltorotua, his home village, to Nairobi. Like most Maasai in the Mara, Jackson does not have a car..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled The Survival of Wildlife:
Mary said, "Carl took this photo of two "babies" playing at the Sheldrick sanctuary outside Nairobi, where wounded or orphaned elephants and rhino are brought until they can be released into the wild again. Most are orphaned because poachers kill the mothers..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled A Liaram Wedding:
Mary said, "I received an e-mail from Jackson and photos of the September 11th wedding of his brother. I could almost hear the pride and happiness Jackson felt when he wrote: "My younger brother, Simore married a young maiden from another village 5 milies..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Looking deep into the future:
Mary said, "I decided I would never return to Kenya or do lots of other things I think my spouse Carl and I are plenty young enough to do unless I had knee surgery. So Nov. 1 I entered Howard County General Hospital in Columbia, MD, where I was treated well,..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Need a holiday gift?:
Mary said, "A few weeks ago my daughter Jean and granddaughter Haley surprised me with a necklace and bracelet set from the Leakey Collection. Because of my book on the Leakeys, the "ZuluSport" caught their attention while shopping on a trip. A surprise gift..." more

Friday, June 17, 2011 8:22:21 PM
Mary Bowman-Kruhm wrote a blog post titled Focus on a Well for Oltorotua:
Mary said, "A while back I decided to keep this blog for information about the Maasai and their culture as viewed thru the eyes of Jackson Liaram, with the hope of a possible book. I am going to postpone working on the book as the time not only doesn't seem..." more