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Updates Made by Melissa Wyatt

Saturday, July 19, 2014 7:37:57 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled More on Tarsem Singh's The Fall: Beethoven, Back Braces and Blue Cities:
Melissa said, "(Livejournal friends, I am still obsessing, so feel free to skip over this.)Several nice people have asked me to expand on my defense of Tarsem Singh’s masterwork The Fall and since I could talk about this movie until my tongue falls out, I am..." more

Saturday, July 5, 2014 10:16:31 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Answering the Critics of Tarsem Singh's The Fall:
Melissa said, "NOTE: Long time, no blog, I know. But I needed a place to publish this, so old friends, don't feel you have to read or comment. I recently fell head-over-heels in love. With a movie. If you know me, that won't shock you. What might shock..." more

Monday, February 25, 2013 2:30:06 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Writing About Writing. At Last. Because I'm Writing. At Last.:
Melissa said, "Now that there are no new episodes of Downton Abbey for me to crap all over, I have to find something else to blog about, so I guess now is as good a time as any to bear my cowardly writer soul.So yeah, in the last year or so, I haven't posted..." more

Saturday, February 23, 2013 3:46:03 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled And the Oscar Doesn't Go to...:
Melissa said, "Worried that your favorite won't win? Or upset they weren't nominated at all? Comfort yourself with the knowledge that historically, the Academy has been wrong before. Very VERY wrong. Witness:1952Perhaps the most egregious example of..." more

Monday, February 18, 2013 11:45:58 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Ten Things Better Than Downton Abbey:
Melissa said, "Smallpox, mildew, robocalls. Ha ha! Just kidding. I'm going to limit this to television, books and movies that are in a similar vein.10. FLAMBARDS 1979 miniseries based on the first three Flambards novels by K. M. Peyton tells the story of..." more

Monday, February 18, 2013 6:27:57 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey S3/E8: Now in Available in Plaid:
Melissa said, "Tonight's episode opens with research data dumps and exposition, just in case you didn't know what stalking was.And once again, DA is bustling with a full but anonymous staff. Where were these people in seasons one and two? And they still..." more

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:54:23 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey S3/E7: There Goes the "Free Bates" T-shirt Industry:
Melissa said, "Do I really have to recap this thing? Because my Lord, that was so boring! Two bloody hours of WHAT? Blah blah blah money blah estate blah estate blah estate blah BLAH homophobia blah baby blah christening blah cricket blah de blah blah blah? Twenty..." more

Monday, February 4, 2013 5:52:12 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey S3/E6: From Poisoned Pie to Prostitute Pudding:
Melissa said, "My running commentary, which I have to type out because nobody I live with will listen to me on this subject:Lady Violet starts this episode off with the inspiring line that "Grief makes one so terribly tired." That must be why Tom hasn't moved..." more

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:14:04 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey S3/E5: Cue the Dwarves and Ready the Glass Coffin!:
Melissa said, "Because Sybil died! And OMG, it was sad. Because she was just the kindest of all beings yet spawned. Kind to all living creatures, including hook-nosed spinsters and gay footmen. The way everyone carried on, I fully expected little birds to fly..." more

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:05:56 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey S3/E4: Something Actually Happened!:
Melissa said, "Too bad it was to a character we hardly know. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So end of last episode, Edith is a sodden heap of unmarried nothingness. This episode, she seems pretty okay apart from the fact that she's bored. Not one..." more

Monday, January 21, 2013 10:39:51 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Downton Abbey Season Three: Nothing Continues to Not Happen:
Melissa said, "(Yes, I know that's a double negative but I don't not care.)In the interests of public service, I have saved you the trouble of watching this slow-mo non-trainwreck by compiling this handy recap of Season Three; Episode One:Oh no!..." more

Monday, January 21, 2013 10:39:51 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Whither Downton Abbey Season Three, Episode Two, Nothing Continues to Really Not Happen?:
Melissa said, "So someone asked me if I was going to do a recap of eppy two of the third installment of this endless parade of blah. I had plans for one but really--more so than ever--nothing happened in this episode!!!!Okay, I know, Edith was going to get married..." more

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 9:11:13 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled And So I Went and Got a Mountain Dew and Stayed Up Through the Night:
Melissa said, "Every now and then, young writers contact me for advice on writing and publishing and/or to interview me for a school assignment. In these cases, I try very hard not to terrify them. Recently, one of these young writers asked me a question that..." more

Monday, January 30, 2012 11:39:04 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled HOSvision Revision:
Melissa said, "So for the last little while, I've been working on revising HOS. To do that, I had to finish up HOSvision. (What the heck is HOSvision?)I'm so glad I set this up because it's been enormously helpful for revision. It gives me both a..." more

Monday, January 23, 2012 12:53:10 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Friday Five: Where Have I Been?:
Melissa said, "1. Uh, nowhere, actually.2. I have, though, been head down in revision on HOS. It's gone very well and I'm so excited about this book. I love it dearly, dearly, dearly. My first two published books had male MCs and while I adore them still..." more

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 2:24:21 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled The Final Wordle:
Melissa said, "I enjoyed doing these throughout the process of writing HOS, so thought I'd see what the final one looked like. Here it is:"

Monday, October 17, 2011 2:25:06 PM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary 2.0: Into the Woods:
Melissa said, "We went on a little research expedition last week, hoping it would trigger some inspiration and help me figure out what project to work on next. We visited the closest "old growth" forest preserve, this one at Snyder-Middleswarth State Park. It had..." more

Monday, October 3, 2011 10:26:09 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary 2.0: Begin Again:
Melissa said, "I took a week off to wallow in the plight of Dante and Lulu over at General Hospital*. (Please, General Hospital! Please stop putting holes in Dante! I can't take it!) I'm so out of practice in sending mss out into the world, but I do..." more

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 7:50:28 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: We're Through!:
Melissa said, "You know why? Because I finally finished This Damned Book!!! That's right, at 9:00 last night, this monstrous, out-of-control thing finally wrapped up. I'm thinking it might have one of the longest, most drawn-out endings in YA history,..." more

Monday, September 26, 2011 6:48:36 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: La C'eran Baci:
Melissa said, "So stuff keeps happening to draw this ending out. I am violating every rule and tenet of structure here but I don't care. I'm just letting TDB roll out the way it wants to. But I must say that at this point, I am rather tired of describing..." more

Friday, September 23, 2011 6:44:35 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: It's a Surprise Party In Here:
Melissa said, "So the other day, I'm all angsty about how there won't be a happy ending to This Damned Book because I was so smugly certain it just wouldn't work out that way.Well.I was wrong. Once I shut up, let go of the anxiety of rushing to the..." more

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 6:30:43 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: Just Give Me a Denoueminute:
Melissa said, "(I know these entries are coming fast and furious now, but that's because I'm nearly done!)So, as feared, the denouement is spinning out of control, heading into the third chapter of tying things up. The big problem is all the..." more

Monday, September 19, 2011 11:57:21 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: Dear Brain, Remember Me?:
Melissa said, "One of the great things about writing--the things you can never admit to non-writers because they will look at you oddly and back away very veerrrrrrry slowly so they don't startle you into a violent act--is when your brain knows more than you..." more

Monday, September 19, 2011 9:01:23 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled Pimping the Book: The Princess Bride:
Melissa said, "The Book: The Princess Bride by William GoldmanSo I was properly appalled this weekend to learn that so many of my writer friends had never read The Princess Bride. Bad writer friends!!! They had all seen and adored the movie but had never been..." more

Thursday, September 15, 2011 10:43:38 AM
Melissa Wyatt wrote a blog post titled WIP Diary: The End is Near!!!:
Melissa said, "I finally finally finally worked my way through the climax of this story. I think shifting a load of coal would have been easier. Dirtier, but easier. This was bloody hard work.I was trying to describe the process to writer friends, thinking there..." more