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Updates Made by Lichen Frank

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:07:24 AM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled teaching girls to eat:
Lichen said, " For the first time, Cookie (5) and I have a *real show that we are watching together, MasterChef. This creates all kinds of "teachable moments" like:What is real?counting backwardsbeing niceshowing respect for food and for cookingit's ok..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled nutella gold:
Lichen said, "I just read this news article about some thieves absconding five tons of Nutella in Germany, and students stealing it from the dining hall at Columbia in New York City. I wonder could they possibly be reselling it rather than just eating it all..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled boy or girl?:
Lichen said, "Alright, that's it, I'm going to have to stand up for her femininity and say something about this!She IS a girl!Until my girl Cookie was 12 months old she was often mistaken for being a boy. This irritated me to my mommy bones, and I was quick to..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled baby swing DIT:
Lichen said, "    This is a post about a baby swing, but not exactly. One of my pet peeves is people using DIY in their captions on Pinterest. People who have the time to document their homemade mushroom growing, take fabulous photos and also dip..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled bee recycled:
Lichen said, "I said DIY pins make me feel inadequate but I actually meant that they make me pine for the time I used to have. I used to have time to refinish furniture, bake intricate cookies, run a company, practice martial arts, sew clothes, etc.Now my time is..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled the paranoid case of too much information:
Lichen said, "   Finding a balance between making good choices for my girls and not being overcome with fret is a daily struggle. You may see me fighting the insanity frantically reading labels of all the juices in the grocery while vigorously bouncing..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled how to remember childhood:
Lichen said, "While doing the delightful chore of pumping I read an article on things you can do to help you remember your children's babyhood. (From American Baby)I'll summarize the tips for you... Be aware of your breathing and your baby's breathing when..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled family tree:
Lichen said, " At the very excellent suggestion from a friend and Blinkblots baby book owner I did photos on the family tree page for Squeak, my baby. I think this is my favorite page so far of her whole book -but it was more work than I anticipated..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled pillowcase nightgown:
Lichen said, "It has been a long time since I made anything for Cookie, my 4 3/4 year old. I took her to the fabric store with the intention of getting her some Superhero fabric to make a girly nightgown out of. She has been wearing little boy short and t-shirt..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:25 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled brown trim white walls:
Lichen said, "Many moons ago I wrote a post about gray trim and white walls. It is my most popular post to-date, which leads me to believe I need to write much less, and just post pictures. Now I live in a house with brown wood trim and white walls. When we moved..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:24 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled getting a kid out the door tactics:
Lichen said, "  It's nice and all to have other human beings need you on such base levels as sustenance, clothing, safety; but sometimes other things take precedence. For instance: smaller human beings who can't walk, or the stench wafting off yourself is so..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:24 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled The Monstore Book:
Lichen said, "I had the privilege of working with the author, Tara Lazar, of this book, The Monstore a few years ago just as this story was set into motion. We worked on a series of postcards for Abe's Peanut.Anxious to support debut authors, this copy arrived..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:24 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled now and then:
Lichen said, "  When I was a kid I thought it would be cool to grow up in the 60's like my parents. A simpler time. I was under the misconception it was all poodle skirts, saddle shoes, dances, walking to soda fountains, and not worrying about razor blades..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 6:25:24 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled fairy birthday:
Lichen said, "   Several months ago I thought I was off the hook when Cookie announced she wanted her 5th Birthday at Chuck E Cheese. Granted, I can't stand said establishment but the promise of just showing up, handing over a credit card and in..." more

Monday, January 21, 2013 2:03:52 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled Eva's Natural Birth at the Hospital Story:
Lichen said, "Hello, my name is Eva. I used to live in a belly. A terrible thing happened to my mommy last year. She lost a baby -not in the "I know I left my keys somewhere" lost; but in the "take a serrated spoon and scrape out a chunk of your heart" lost.My..." more

Friday, November 30, 2012 7:52:56 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled new love of my life: GE top load washer:
Lichen said, "  One day maybe six or seven years ago our washing machine decided it was tired of spinning around and around. It was getting on in washing years and had been getting dizzier by the day and we were tired of pulling dripping wet towels out of..." more

Friday, November 30, 2012 7:52:56 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled cloth diaper help:
Lichen said, "image: Dallasmomsblog.orgFour years ago I cloth diapered. I think I did it because it seemed like the fastest route out of the entire diaper stage. (But I can't be sure because motherhood has robbed my memory.)Four years ago there were not that many..." more

Friday, November 30, 2012 7:52:56 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled Pom Pom wreath & Stocking Advent:
Lichen said, "Some crafty Holiday projects I've been working on...A pom pom wreath. Lil' Cookie helped with this project. She is a pom pom making machine -until she looses interest after 5 minutes. This wreath is probably around 30" and has maybe 60 or so pom..." more

Saturday, October 6, 2012 12:48:21 AM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled turning photography into art:
Lichen said, "I got inspired by some cheap giant art of horses at The Dump today and discovered a new (to me) photography technique called ttv. (through the viewfinder)Here are some examples I played around with faking the effect in Photoshop on some photos I had..." more

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:08:15 AM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled Bat girl:
Lichen said, "First she wanted to be a chomping crocodile, I stress the word chomping. From what I could see you can not buy an actual chomping croc costume, so we looked into making one. Oy! I don't have that much time. During the DIY crocodile chomp search we..." more

Thursday, September 27, 2012 1:22:06 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled new cover paper for 20 Questions Journals:
Lichen said, "Some of the new papers for Blinkblots 20 Questions Books. (From top left) Venice Plum & Navy,  Zinnia Dusk, Ocean Floral, Spanish Tile Flower.Royal Purple Water Flower and Plum Water Purple flower.Some of these are very limited, only one or..." more

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 7:54:30 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled newborn photo perfection:
Lichen said, "In my opinion newborn photos can go horribly wrong or utterly adorable. It is tricky to capture that angelic perfection under the surface of pimply skin and cone shaped heads in the body of a tiny old man.Photography props can be terribly tacky or..." more

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:46:56 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled Manzanita Kids wooden toys:
Lichen said, "I just got this bird stacking puzzle and wooden teether from Manzanita Kids. It was so sweet and irresistible I had to get it for the elf on her way. It was hard to choose though, there are so many wonderful and simple toys in their store.manzanita..." more

Sunday, September 2, 2012 5:31:26 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled bats & butterflies birthday party:
Lichen said, "First you might be wondering "What's with the bats?" Last year for lil' Cookie's 3 Year Birthday we did a Spiderman-Ironman party. She still loves superheroes, this year she has broadened her interests to DC comics as well. So for the past 10 months..." more

Friday, August 31, 2012 3:01:24 PM
Lichen Frank wrote a blog post titled play ideas for real parents:
Lichen said, "  So there you are at 9:30pm tethered to your I-Will-Never-Be-A-Bored-Adult-Device, and you come across outstanding displays of creativity, inspiring simplicity, and clever beauty. You think "Oh I could/should do that!"   Yep, maybe..." more